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Mon, 26 May 1997 14:59:35 -0700
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Fellow List Memebers!
        First off, thank you all so very much for your multitudes of
replies.  I received over 50 pieces of mail and do apologize for not being
able to answer all of them.  All the support and suggestions I received
once again proved what we ALL know already...that is...What would we do
without this mailing list!!!
        Tops on the list of suggestions of what the root of my problem
might be was - the eating out!  I think everyone mentioned this first.
Next was the possibility of lactose intolerance and closely behind was the
chance that some of my tried and true home use products had changed
ingredients and were no longer GF.  Many had suggested I speak to my
        Well, I decided to take it one step at a time, in order to try to
isolate the problem.   I called my gastroenterologist, who simply told me
"I don't need to see you. Just watch what you're eating."  OK Doc - I KNOW
that!  Then,  as all of you suggested...I've been keeping away from
restaurants.  Also, I'm making sure that the food items I use at home are
ones which I have previously checked carefully  and used with no problems.
         Well, "Voila", I am feeling much better already!  At first,  the
diahrea and urgency subsided, but I was still left a little gassy. Now,
finally, I seem to be back on track!  Evidently, foods I was eating out
were not as "OK" as the food servers claimed they were!
        I must admit, I was becoming an emotional basket case there for a
while.  It's so difficult when you try so hard to be careful and are still
not successful.  I was so angry, at one point, that I was readily to go out
and inhale a pizza and a box of Dunkin' Donuts (since I was getting sick
ANYWAY)!!!  But, alas, sanity prevailed....and my good sense made sure I
didn't go near the stuff!
        Another thing all of your e-mail proved to me (besides the
fantastic support and help from this group) was that I wasn't alone. So
many others of you have and ARE experiencing the same problem and the same
frustration.  I can see that being careful with a  gluten free diet isn't
that easy and not always succesful.  My family, as wonderful as they are,
can't possibly  relate to what I'm going thru the way all of you can.  SO,
all of your mail was extremely comforting.  I hope all of you fellow
sufferers find relief soon, too!
        So - restaurants seem to be the main problem for me.  Thing is -
Eliminating restaurants is not an easy thing in my life.  What our circle
of friends do... IS  "Get together for dinner"!  There are only so many
times I can offer to cook at my house.   Our group of friends likes eating
out (and so do we)!
        Also, my husband and I travel a lot, which means  again - "eating
out"!!!   This year, our big vacation is a 2 1/2 week drive trip cross
country with a car caravan to Springfield, Illinois.  We'll all be driving
small 2-seater sports cars.  SO - How do I NOT eat out???  Bringing a
larger cooler and a BBQ just won't work with my car. So, the question is -
How do I live the way I like to live and STILL work around my Celiac
       Being a Celiac certainly has its challenges...It's not easy, but
YES, it could be worse.  At least, for right now, I'm feeling better again
and know to be even  MORE careful  in what and where I eat!  Thank you all
again for all of your helpful and heartfelt responses.  Without you all -
I'd feel so alone!  I have no local support group nearby, so this list and
all of you are very special to me.


                                    Nina :)
                         '89FX3/Coupe (SAM)
                                Phoenix,  AZ