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Thu, 1 Dec 2005 17:15:22 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Guess I should have been clear about the tablets vs. milk. Got responses on
both...and a few I am not sure which they were referring to. I don't drink the
 milk so I didn't realize I needed to be clear about it....

Yes it is
it is gf, but....it does not make milk 100% lactose free.  Goat's milk  is
lactose free.  Save the receo[ts amd tand take it off your income  tax

In the meantime, most celiacs are li because of leaky gut  syndrome.  Take
with each meal one probiotics complex and one  l-glutmaine.  It will heal
your gut in about 4 months. Just a gf diet  takes 5 years.  Got this from my
nutritonist who teaches on the  graduate level

It is GF


The milk or the caplet? I checked on both:: the milks
are all GF. The  Original Lactaid tab and the new Fast
Act caplet are GF - but - not the  vanilla flavor, due
to flavoring.
Yes, it is GF.  I have been drinking it and eating their cottage  cheese and
icecream (Scoopfuls, vanilla) for three years!
yes, we checked and my 9yr old celiac daughter takes it  daily

I did check the Original Lactaid with the company and it was OK.
The new extra strength Lactaid is not verified and did give me severe pain
in my stomach so I stopped using it.

Yes. It is gf.
Yes I have checked it out and it is GF!
Good luck.


I have used lactaid milk and lactaid caplets for years without  incident.  I
did check when I first started using them.  At the time  the chewables had not
yet been tested for gfness.  I just always buy the  caplets, so I have not
rechecked re that.
Should be. Please summarize. My three year  old celiac has been drinking it
for almost a year with no negative  effect.

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