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"I. S. Margolis" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
I. S. Margolis
Tue, 3 Oct 2000 12:21:54 -0400
text/plain (54 lines)

Please help me understand.  Am I "correct" inferring from your statement
that temporal lobe epilepsy may not always manifest grand or petite seizures
yet still be present or active enough to mimic psychotic-like symptoms?
Would you illuminate" your phrase "post-ictal" phase?  And what is the
likelihood of remission/recurrence?

Thank you for making me aware of the more likely gradualness of psychosis.

Gee...you're smart!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Yvonne Craig" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: CP - Cured ?

> Just a thought, Robin.
> I am a psychiatric nurse with a background in neuropsychiatry.=20
> Temporal lobe epilepsy can sometimes mimic the symptoms of psychosis =
> (delusions, personality changes, paranoia). The post-ictal phase of this =
> type of seizure can last for some time. Given his history of seizures... I
> assume he has been seen by neurology? An EEG?  A CTscan?
> I would be suspicious of such a sudden change in your son's behaviour / =
> mood. Generally psychiatric disorders start more subtly and progress over
> time. Also, your son is young to be given such a diagnosis (not unheard =
> of, just unusual in my experience).=20
> Yvonne
> >>> [log in to unmask] 10/02/00 08:38AM >>>
> He was not on any medications. He took Phenobarbital till 12 years old
> because he had 2 grand mal seizures at 2 years old. When he turned 12, we
> stopped the phenobarb since it had been so long since he had a seizure.
> Now they have him on Luvox and Seroquel. He has also lost his ability to =
> fall
> asleep at night since this happened, so they did have him on Ambien too to
> sleep, but after a couple of days the Ambien stopped working.
> Robin