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Joanne Darr <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Wed, 23 Feb 2000 21:33:39 EST
text/plain (19 lines)
I'm not about to get involved with whether it's ok to spank or not. It really
won't change anyone's else's mind anyway.  Raising a brood though I have
found out that consistency is more the key than the method. I will say was
hit with the belt for punishment as were my brothers. When my oldest was a
toddler and parental controls were being raised I did spank with my hand but
I found I was very uncomfortable doing it.  So sometimes I spanked and other
times I didn't for the same offense.  This led to a lot of confusion on the
kids part on what was acceptable. By the time the second was a toddler (I had
the first 3 in 31 MO so not much time went by considering) I found that
removing my self from the kid was what was most effective.  They just didn't
like Mom being mad at them and not available for their whims and wishes.  I
was able to be consistent and it showed in the kids behavior. If I had been
conformable with spanking and the guidelines such as Kyle set up for Anna,
the results would have been the same I'm sure.  Consistency is the key.  Just
my 2 cents FWIW

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