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Lynda Swink <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Jan 1997 21:50:40 -0800
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dianne Steeper wrote:

>I just have to get my 2 cents in!!When we get postings like this one
>asking if some are anal enough to be that careful...lets not forget our
>sense of humour! I laughed and thought boy does this guy need some

And another response from me:

        I really read the following as a bit of satirical humor.  After
all, doesn't our major symptom involve this part of our anatomy?  With all
of the headaches we face trying to stay healthy and eat right, do we not
need a bit of humor now and again?  I thought his choice of words was

>Are you so anal that you would skim every wheat crumb off a tub of
>butter before you use it?

        I also was able to see a sincere plea for information in Ken's next

>I really want to know, because I'm not that way and maybe I should be.

        You have all been a wealth of learning and information to me here
on the list.  I could not have survived the first few months of this new
lifestyle with out you.  Let's not attack our friends and scare them away
before they can learn all they need to adjust to a difficult diet.

        I believe the old saying "Laughter is the best medicine" to be
true.  Thank you Ken for a good play on words (intentional or not) I needed
the chuckle, and appreciated it.  ;)


\*/\*/\*/ Lynda \*/ [log in to unmask] \*/ So. Calif.\*/\*/ _@v
@-@--,   Dreams are renewable.  No matter what our age or condition,
<        there are still untapped possibilities within us and new
 ~       beauty waiting to be born.  - Dale E. Turner