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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Wed, 18 Sep 1996 15:37:52 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Well, 50% favorable respone today in phone calls that I made to inquire as to
gf status of their products.

I initially called Kraft to find out if their Log Cabin syrup is gf.  The gal
in Consumer Affairs told me that gluten is not listed, but she couldn't
guarantee what the suppliers are using when they sell stuff to Kraft for
ingredients.  Infringement of their recipes, I believe is how she put it.  I
went one step further and asked if their was a product list from Kraft that
might be available that would list the foods that they make/sell that is gf.
Again - not allowed to give out that information on ingredients.  <sigh> I
thanked her and stated that it was a shame that I wouldn't be buying any more
of their products since I couldn't be sure if it had gluten in it or not.  I
really was very nice about it, but inside I was steaming.  Kraft makes a lot
of different products, don't they?  Oh well.  Can anyone recommend a syrup
for pancakes that is gf?

Second call of the day was to Snapple.  The gentleman in Consumer Affairs was
quite pleasant - reminds me of their commercials.  ;) Anyway, he said that
ALL the Snapple products are gf.  For whatever reason, I'm not sure whether
or not to believe him.  There was no shuffling of papers in the background or
clicking of computer keys to indicate that he checked anything out.  Did
anyone get a "no gf" answer from Snapple as well?

Also, in regards to responses that I got about expecting a product list of gf
products made by Frito Lay - I'll be more than happy to post the list when it
arrives.  :-)

Deb Bosley
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