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"Michael D. Sheridan" <[log in to unmask]>
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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 08:21:51 -0800
text/plain (55 lines)
Larry Atlow wrote:
> TracyTaulman wrote:
> >     Can anyone give me the lowdown on how faster than 33.6K connections
> > work?  I have a USR V.90 connecting to my ISP who has V.90 modems.  I
> > usually get a 31200K connection or what Win98 reports as a 115200K on
> > other occasions.  I've tried other ISP's with no better luck.  It seems
> > strange to me why I can't get a faster connection when my neighbor 2
> > houses down gets about a 48K connect.  Any thoughts or suggestions would
> > be greatly appreciated!
> Sounds like a configuration problem if you're SURE it's a V.90 modem.
> You might try checking the settings for your modem's serial port.  Go
> to:
> Control Panel|System|Device Manager|Ports|COMx|Properties|Bits Per
> Second
> and make sure that the rate is high enough.  Also, double check the
> stored settings for your modem to make sure that they are set to the
> maximum rate.  HTH
> --
> Larry Atlow                          Internet:[log in to unmask]
> Microcomputer Analyst                Phonenet: (601) 264-9639

I would like to comment to this by the mention that I have done
everything that I know of to get a good connection with my ISP that
supports X2 V90 and the lot.

My phone lines have been checked by a telephone company supervisor
and are *Data* capable. I have installed an external USR faxmodem #5686
on my computer.

I am, like a lot of others,  stuck in that old 28,800 rut and can't
seem to get out.

In my case it boils down to the phone company telling me that there
is no reason why I can't get speeds in the high 40s or better on the
lines to their office. After their office and to my ISP they say they
can not control.

My ISP says that the problem is that I have too many analog to digital
connections in my phone line.

I see no place to go except wait until after the first of the year
when my cable TV company has promised cable modem connection.


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