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"Copeland, Wayne (DEED)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:36:40 -0600
text/plain (63 lines)
You could do this with two routers as well:

[router 1/192.168.1.x, "public people"] 
[router 2/192.168.2.x - your private stuff]

Router one's WAN port plugs into your cable/dsl modem & router two's WAN port just plugs into one of router one's LAN ports.  Power on your cable/dsl modem, wait for it to come up then power on router one, wait and then power on router two.  I've used this at home.  It does a good job of isolating your two networks.  Just make sure the wireless routers use different channels.

Different workgroup names and MAC filtering are mostly useless.

Wayne Copeland | Network Support, Business & Information Technology
1st National Bank Building, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200, St. Paul, MN 55101 | office 651.355.0366
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-----Original Message-----
From: Personal Computer Hardware discussion List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Brad Feuerhelm
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2010 11:03 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [PCBUILD] Allowing guest access to internet not lan

Hi All

Hey Mark and thanks for that idea, one I never would have thought of and 
something I may think of doing in the future but the only problem with 
that would be the cost of additional routers and also wouldn't they have 
to be bridgeable? If so not all wireless routers are capable of this I 
don't think. My Rosewill's manual says it can. I do have a backup router 
I use for emergency's which is a linksys wr160 but I don't think that is 
bridgeable I do have a third but it's a wired linksys and a pretty old 
one so I doubt that one would be. Also my network knowledge is pretty 
basic and setting three routers up and getting them to work together 
would be a major job I would think at least for me. Sorry I didn't 
mention the situation here which is a home/office environment. Also all 
machines are running XP Pro with one machine dual booting Win 98, Vista 
and Ubuntu. All the wife's clients are handled over the internet or by a 
phone call. She has no local clients. But that may change somewhere down 
the line though.The only people other than me and the wife would be the 
occasional family guest. So The guest would only need internet access. I 
would prefer that the lan was not accessible while the "guest" was 
online. My workgroup name is pretty far out there not even close to the 

I will look into the mac filtering end of this as Kenneth Whyman 
mentioned this might work out. The next question is would I need to have 
the mac address of the computer or the NIC? I'm guessing the NIC but not 
sure on this one.

Thanks again for all your help

Brad Feuerhelm

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