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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 03:07:07 -0600
text/plain (48 lines)
Hugh Vandervoort  replied:
>Do you mean the internet connection? Are you sure it's the router losing the
>connection and not the modem?

         I mean the internet connection.   I'm pretty sure the modem is
ok.   If I take off the router and hook the modem directly to the computer,
the connection is fine and doesn't drop out.

>  You could check this by pinging the router, or
>trying to access the router setup page the next time it happens.

         Will try accessing the setup page next time it happens.  Not
exactly what you mean by pinging the router.    Is it  Run/cmd/ping (the
router address)?

>In my
>limited experience, routers tend to work or not work.

         That's what confuses me.    When the internet connection drops,
all lights on the modem and on the router are operating normally.

>The D Link router will probably work without any additional setup, but it
>would be wise to check the settings just the same. You want to be sure the
>password is changed, the firewall is on, and DHCP is set properly. There are
>likely a number of other options you may wish to investigate as well.

         Will look at the configuration of the D-Link once I install it.

Thanks for the help  and any other suggestions appreciated.

>I wrote:
>My BEFSR41 Linksys router loses connection from time to time.  Unplugging
>and plugging it back in gains a connection.   I've purchased a  DI-604
>D-Link router to replace the Linksys.   Both are wired 4 port Ethernet
>Broadband routers.
>I cannot find any info on replacing a router.   Are there steps I need to
>take to clear the computer of the Linksys info before installing the D-Link?

Sue Na
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