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Sat, 18 Dec 1999 15:57:59 PST
text/plain (37 lines)
>Humans did not evolve to be in -10 degrees weather. We lost the fur as we
>have a very sophisicated cooling system that works better without fur. This
>allowed us to be active in the middle of the savannah day, when most
>animals are dozing. We then had an advantage for hunting them.
> >Evolution isn't the answer to everything, geez.
>Before you make statements like that you should do more reading. To start I
>suggest "Why We Get Sick" by Neese and Williams. You can see more about the
>book here:

You didn't get my point at all.

What I meant was... that mentioning evolution as in 'evolution gave us this,
it must be good!' or 'evolution didn't do this, so maybe it's wrong to do
it' is ridiculous.

Nature isn't perfect and evolution isn't a sacred process that is some
'proof' that everything that exists today is the best way. Somebody
mentioned compassion in an earlier thread. For the race, it's better to lack
it, so is it 'paleo' to kill each other?
Brandishing evolution on any topic just gets tiring. It isn't always
relevant to the here & now.

We we're talking about circumcision here!

What if, in 50,000 years, men stop having foreskins at all?
Not many people died of circumcision.


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