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Ingrid Bauer <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 21:06:27 -0800
text/plain (31 lines)
Babies' growth is high speed "new"
>growth in everything - bones, skin, organs, hair, and
>to a lesser extent, muscle. The ratios of
>macronutrients is perfect for this type of growth.

how  and why?

>Adult "growth" is primarily *replacement* growth - a
>breakdown and replacement of tissue - much less
>efficient and requiring an entirely different nutrient
>mix. Plus, adults are generally :) place much more
>demand on their muscles and require more protein to
>replace a greater muscle mass.

If i look at my son ( 4 year old still breastfed ) and was trying to use my
muscle as much as he do all day long i wlll be exhausted. I think he put way
more demand on his muscles than i do .
I think it is only true for very yound babies and even there a baby raised
on contact constant with his mother's body ( as it should be )have to
reajust himself when she is active.
also i heard that the vast majority of proteins are recycled by the body
when the cells are broke down.
young babies renew their cells also and grow.

thanks for going little bit farther than the explanation that< babies are
babies and adults adults. > my interest is to understand how is it different
