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Dean Pistilli <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:45:02 +1100
text/plain (9 lines)
Thanks for that msg Amadeus. Actually a high % of colitis patients get UC after they gave up smoking.. as to why smoking can help reduce UC, they;'re not sure. The main theories are the bacteria one (kills certain types of bacteria), and also one to do with smoking altering the lining of the large intesting or tightening it (thus making is less permeable for foreign bodies). In any case, some UC people have to go back to smoking. 
Hey I wouldn't mind the cave trick.. First I would like to try an American Indian type smoke house though.. could be hard to find in Aust. though. Some people with UC/CD also claim marijuana helps.. haven't had time to grow my own and get into this either.. its still on the to-do list. :)

Dean, Oz.

>>From:    Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: Re: Smoking.