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Sat, 17 May 1997 18:01:34 -0700
text/plain (43 lines)
Rachele Shaw wrote:
> >Hi all, got a question.  My son is very small and 2.  He is majorally
> >allergic to milk.  Me and the dr. are trying to think of high fat foods he
> >can eat that have no dairy.  Do you guys have any ideas??  I heard  an
> >avocodo is high in fat.  Is this true?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Lila
> At 2 my son (now 5 1/2) who is allergic to dairy (gets hives) was also
> sensitive to wheat and rice (made him very congested with a constant drippy
> nose.  He was also very thin. At the time we had him off of wheat and rice,
> but after seeing an Ayurvedic doctor it was pointed out to us that wheat
> and rice build up a body.  It is not just calories that put on weight and
> build up an individual but also certain food types.
> The doctor also gave us herbs to build up his digestion and told us ways to
> cook wheat and rice that would make it more easily digestible.  Within 2
> weeks the congestion stopped and he really put on weight.  (Wish we could
> get rid of the milk allergy, now.  That seems to be a real allergy and not
> just poor digestion.)
> Regarding non-dairy fats to also build up someone--olive oil is good.  It
> is easily digestible and I use also the light variety a lot to cook with
> since it doesn't have a strong taste.
> Avocados are good as well as heavier sweet fruits, such as cherries,
> peaches, plums, mango, grapes, (not so much apples and pears which are a
> lighter kind of fruit).
> Good luck.
> Rachele Shaw
> [log in to unmask]


How did you cook the wheat and rice to make it more digestable?
