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Abdoulaye Saine <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 17:26:11 -0500
text/plain (1138 bytes) , ~WRL2289.tmp (114 kB)
Mr. Yusupha Jow (G-L Community):

Your comments about Sir Dawda reflect the feelings of many Gambians or
at least those I interviewed while preparing the attached manuscript on
him.  The manuscript is based on  a series of interviews with Sir Dawda
in the Summer and Fall of 1999.

I am grateful to a countless number of Gambians whose names I have not
listed under the acknowledgments section but who in many ways
contributed immeasurably to the paper. Many also wish to be anonymous.

Like many Gambians, I have critiqued Sir Dawda and his policies.  I have
done so in my writings and privately with him.  yet, I thought it
necessary to also reflect on the contributions of the man, his politics
and legacy for purposes of balance.

Many more biographies of our past and current leaders need to be
undertaken and I encourage those so inclined to work on at least one.
This must not be limited to the male politicians but to religious,
female and other leaders as well.

In fact, I look forward to the day when I can have similar interviews
with Yahya Jammeh as I did with Sir Dawda. Again, your comments,
criticisms and suggestions are always welcome.  They are invaluable.
