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suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Gambia and Related Issues Mailing List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Aug 2013 13:26:48 +0100
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Thanks Khaleel. I am enjoying the exchanges. Keep it up. Suntou
On 6 Aug 2013 17:39, "Khaleel Jameel" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Sorry Suntou, I spelled your name wrong earlier.
> Khaleel
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 12:38:15 -0400
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [G_L] Khaleel and co under attack: Gambian Drs and PhD
> holders not the solution then: Who is David Bansama
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Thanks Sountou for sharing yet another piece from David.  I know David is
> reading, below is my response:
> David,
> Thanks for taking the time out whether to elaborate more on your points or
> to repeat/clarify points previously made that I obviously missed. I still
> stand by what my interpretation of your article was and I am certain you
> will do the same as well. Words have meanings and meanings can be flexible
> at times depending on who is reading or writing. To me, your list
> associated those individuals to a high degree of responsibility or lack of
> to our national development. While you, the readers and I may have some
> minor differences on use of words, concept and interpretation which won’t
> go away, I will like to focus on what we agree on if that’s ok with you.
> I think we are saying the same thing here for the most part David. We both
> don’t expect the PHD/DRs to be the agent of change in our country; we both
> agree that given their intellectual capacity, they should play a role
> worthy of emulation in this time of despair. We also agree that the
> responsibility of our nation building rests in the hands of many not few.
>  These are pretty significant things we agree on and I pray that our
> deeds match our words for the most rather than the few who will shoulder
> this crusade to lead our nation in the near future. I also pray for all of
> us to be steadfast, humble, respect one another and reason well with each
> other. I look forward to reading more from you. Have a blessed day and
> happy eid in advance.
> Khaleel
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 12:15:29 +0100
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [G_L] Khaleel and co under attack: Gambian Drs and PhD holders
> not the solution then: Who is David Bansama
> To: [log in to unmask]
>  Gambian intellectuals Are Not Agents of Change<>
> Reads :274
> *
> *By David Bansama*
> *“David is over stretching their role……. The expectation that less than
> one percent of our population should shoulder the responsibility to lead
> and effect change because they attained the highest level of education is
> not real” – Says Khaleel Jameel on Gambia L*
> When I wrote my piece last week, I knew (and expected) it would generate a
> lot of discourse because it is not the norm (to talk in less favourable
> terms about people held in reverence) in our milieu. What I did not expect,
> however, was an attempt (whether by design or default) to infer meanings
> into my piece which I have not inferred. Thank God, I am still alive, I
> will go back to re-iterate my position.
> Learning from history, I have never expected the Gambian Ph. Ds (or
> intellectuals) to be the agents of change in our country (even though they
> can) and I have never expected them to “shoulder the responsibility”. We
> learnt from history that in societies where change was effected, it was
> usually the common man who took the lead. For instance, the popular French
> Revolution was led by the common man; the American war of Independence was
> not led by the Ph.Ds; the Russian revolt against the Czars was led by the
> common man; coming home, one of the Fathers of Gambia’s Independence, Sir
> Dawda Jawara; was first identified and chosen by the common man to
> represent them. Even at that, he hesitated and contemplated possible
> financial losses especially as a family man (stated by Sir Dawda in his own
> book). Some of the members that attended the Marlborough Conference to
> discuss Gambia’s independence were barely literate. In recent times, the
> change that Brazil, one of the emerging markets (BRICS), is experiencing
> was initiated by Lula Da Silva who is not a Ph.D but a common Trade
> Unionist from the masses; Hugo Chavez (despite Western vilification)
> brought immense changes to his country for the common man and he did it
> without attaining a Ph.D. The man that everybody loves (Nelson Mandela)
> changed the course of history in South Africa without attaining a Ph. D.
> Likewise, all the Gambian Liberation Movements (as numerous as they are)
> were not initiated by Gambian Ph.Ds. Please correct me if I am wrong. These
> “intellectuals” are usually the comfortable lot who like lording it over
> the rest after the battle had been fought and won. Let me just give a
> casual example here: isn’t it interesting to see on Maafanta, the FB
> exchanges between our former Honourable Foreign Minister, Sidi Sanneh, who
> did not attend the events in Raleigh and Stockholm but wants quick results
> (in terms of reports) and is so brazen about it? He even trivializes the
> matter rather unwittingly (just like he did with Yahya Jammeh’s underpants)
> by zooming on the latest gadgets brought to the meetings, interestingly
> putting it in this rather de-meaning fashion “…*I did not attend either
> of the meetings but I was told about the fancy gadgets”.*Isn’t this cheap
> and petty for Sidi himself? Where were his brain and conscience at the time
> of penning this particular line? When I read it, I was tempted to ask: Was
> it gadgets that concerned you most about the meetings or the substance? How
> trivial and petty could one be?
> Having said the above, what I (and the majority of the poverty-stricken
> Gambians) do not, however, expect from our Ph.Ds and other “intellectuals”
> is *the aiding and abetting of the current Gambian dictatorship in
> brutalising our people because of their own selfish interest*. By the
> way, do you know there are some of these “intellectuals” who still
> clandestinely work with the Dictatorship in Banjul even after Jammeh had
> shown them the way out in the most cavalier manner?  We have full dossiers
> on most of them and, at the opportune time, will share it with the rest of
> our compatriots to buttress our point on how cheap but dangerous some of
> our “intellectuals” can be. It is not a threat. *Ours is a crusade in
> which we are determined to cleanse our society of these parasites*. All
> of the people I mentioned in my write-up joined the regime after Gambians
> have seen enough PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF JAMMEH’s BRUTALITY. What more lessons
> did they need to understand that Jammeh is deranged and derailed, and
> therefore did not mean well for our people? With their supposed exposure
> and level of “education”, they ought to have known better. This was the
> thrust of my message and I thought it was crystal clear to even the most
> casual reader.
> Now flipping the debate in Khaleel’s way, even if we assumed “less than
> one percent of our population should shoulder the responsibility to lead
> and effect change because they attained the highest level of education”,
> this cannot still be considered an “over-stretching” of their role,
> especially if we take education as a means to better our societies. This is
> aptly conveyed to you at the point of getting your degrees for it is said
> you have been found “*worthy in learning and character*” to be conferred
> a Bachelors, Masters or a Ph.D. as the case may be. I believe, 50 Gambian
> PH.Ds (less than one percent of the Gambian population but with the right
> mindset and strength of character) selflessly working together, can bring
> immense benefit to our people. It is all about honesty, principles and
> patriotism (not the narrow and twisted definition as coined by our
> Professor in Banjul).
> With regards to the rest of what Khaleel said and emphasised “*Let’s not
> forget that these PHD/Doctorate holders are Gambians, they are packed with
> all flaws each and every Gambian of us has*”, I have already belaboured
> on this fact in both my opening and concluding paragraphs, so I need not
> repeat that. I would just refer you to these paragraphs to confirm for
> yourself what I have already said.
> I believe we should all be held accountable for our actions especially
> during these trying times.
> [image: Print Friendly]<>
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