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Sun, 24 Jul 2005 22:32:26 -0500
text/plain (102 lines)

Praying for your friends.


on 07:31 PM 7/24/2005, Cindy H said:
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Hello everyone. I haven't really been posting very much because I've been
so busy but I have been checking mail as much as possible and praying when
a need comes up.

I wanted to ask prayer for 2 ppl. My roomate called a friend of ours the
other day because we hadn't seen her for a couple weeks. She lives with
her grandmother and her grandmother told Tammy that my friend (Cathy) is
in the hospital. She has something wrong with her liver, heart failure and
pneumonia. It isn't looking good for her at all. She is only about 35 and
has a 9 yr old daughter. We are all very worried about her and she doesn't
know the Lord.

The next person is someone very dear to my heart. He doesn't really have
any faith at all. I'm asking God to visit him in such a special way that
he could never deny the existence of God again. I know that for this
person, it has to be something big, and he needs to come face to face with
Jesus. And I'm praying God does it quickly.

thanks for your prayers. It means alot.



  Your White Lily Candle consultant!
**Want to know what a day in Heaven is like? Then come to
-They may forget what you did but they will never forget how you made them
feel.--Carl Buechner

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0px" vAlign=top width="100%">
<DIV>Hello everyone. I haven't really been posting very much because I've
been so busy but I have been checking mail as much as possible and praying
when a need comes up. </DIV>
<DIV>I wanted to ask prayer for 2 ppl. My roomate called a friend of ours
the other day because we hadn't seen her for a couple weeks. She lives
with her grandmother and her grandmother told Tammy that my friend (Cathy)
is in the hospital. She has something wrong with her liver, heart failure
and pneumonia. It isn't looking good for her at all. She is only about 35
and has a 9 yr old daughter. We are all very worried about her and she
doesn't know the Lord. </DIV>
<DIV>The next person is someone very dear to my heart. He doesn't really
have any faith at all. I'm asking God to visit him in such a special way
that he could never deny the existence of God again. I know that for this
person, it has to be something big, and he needs to come face to face with
Jesus. And I'm praying God does it quickly.&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>thanks for your prayers. It means alot. </DIV>
<DIV align=center>
<DIV><FONT face=system color=#57708f><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=5><FONT
face="arial black"><FONT color=#7f007f>&nbsp;Your White Lily Candle
<DIV><FONT face=system color=#57708f><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=5><FONT
face="arial black"><FONT color=#7f007f>**</FONT>Want to know what a day in
Heaven is like? Then come to</FONT> </FONT></FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#57708f size=5><A
<DIV><FONT face=system color=#57708f><FONT face="arial narrow"
size=5>-They may forget what you did but they will never forget how you
made them feel.--Carl