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John Schwery <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 3 Mar 2004 17:48:11 -0600
text/plain (41 lines)
Helen, you may have it right.  Let us pray for that miracle.

earlier, Helen, wrote:
>Phil and John,
>If I understand the history of Gretchen's drug use, and of drug use in
>general, then I don't believe that Gretchen is thinking at all.  Those
>chemicals have so saturated her brain cells and every other organ of her
>body that it has placed the real Gretchen in the prison of denial.  She is
>unaware that she is in denial, evidently. and how that can be is beyond my
>comprehension.  Outside of a miracle directly from the Hand of Almighty
>God, there may be no other alternative at this point than to forcefully
>commit her to a place and program that will keep her locked up.  But being
>an adult,  and of age, I suppose there is no one authorized to do
>that.  Prayerfully, when she goes to prison, it will be in a place where
>that may occur.  That isn't what I had in mind, though.  What I had in mind
>is a place like the Salvation Army facility where God's people would be the
>jailers, loving Gretchen into sobriety as the drugs leave her body.  I
>guess what I'm saying here is that you ought not expect Gretchen to
>think.  She is not even thinking about herself, not her real self.  The
>drugs have taken over her thinking processes.  No wonder the scriptures
>tell us to "let this Mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus", for if we
>do not, the Enemy of our souls takes over our minds as he has evidently
>taken over Gretchen's through those drugs.
>Still praying for you all.
>In Jesus' Love,
>Earlier, Phil Scovell wrote:
> >John,
> >
> >I wouldn't doubt that something like you suggested may have crossed
> >Gretchen's mind.  It is hard to say exactly what Gretchen is thinking now,
> >though.  She is almost to the point, however, that society is going to do
> >her thinking for her.
> >
> >Phil.


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