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Sat, 20 Mar 1999 15:12:57 -0600
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>    Aimee wrote:
>    .....I am boycotting this magazine since they are editing
>    people's comments and changing the portrayal of the
>    disease. I heard that they do no research  before they
>    interview people....

I am not quite sure where you "heard" that no research
was done ... I am a freelance writer for Sully's and I personally
devote a minimum of 10 hours of research before I set pen
to paper.

Additionally, once I submit my article, it is edited and
fact-checked, and sent back to me so that I can confirm
and/or debate their edits.  Having been a journalist for a long
time, I can tell you that this is rare indeed  -- and very welcome.

>    Also they have to dumb things down to a "fourth grade
>    reading level" for some reason.....

This strikes me as nothing more than a pot-shot. If you'd like
to give us examples of "4th grade reading level" then that
might be more instructive for those involved with the magazine.

>    Also, if doctors disagree about what is safe and what
>    is not for celiac patients, then how are we supposed to agree?

I just had a similar discussion with my dermatologist  ... and she
agreed that there is quite a debate about whether or not topical
applications of gluten could/would do harm.  It is in the best
interests of the magazine, and the celiac community,  to present
both sides of the story.

While I cannot speak for the magazine itself as I operate on a
freelance basis  .... I can say that baseless allegations of
no research, etc., borders on libel. I do hope that whatever
information you do have about this issue you will share,
privately, with the owners and editors of Sully's  ...

Tracey in Connecticut   GF lodging:  http://www.innseekers.com/feature.htm