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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Saskia Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 01:26:32 EDT
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


My question was regarding the disappearance of my lifelong severe seasonal
allergies upon starting my gluten free diet.  All who responded noted drastic
improvements (about 20 people), except one who that noted her allergies had
worsened.  Everyone gave basically the same explanation--that CD involves the
immune system, and that with seasonal allergies to boot it is system
overload.  One mentioned intestinal permeability, which seemed interesting.
Some clips are included below. I only obliquely wonder about 'regular' folks
with allergy problems--don't worry I'm not dictating gluten free for
all....just piqued my curiosity. Thanks for all the responses!  And best
wishes for a sneeze free season...


I have always subscribed to the overflowing bucket theory of allergies.
Basically what it means is if you reduce the amount of allergies
stressing/affecting your body it reduces the chance of the bucket

A while ago I did a search in Medline on intestinal permeability
(generally caused by intestinal inflammation from any number of
causes - I think most folks with untreated CD have it, but the reverse
is not true) and allergies, which led me to believe that the
inflammation in my gut let larger proteins through into my system
which irritated my allergies.  There is definitely a link between
intestinal permeability and airborne allergies in any case.

I was diagnosed with CD about five years ago, and after a year and a half
without Gluten, I noticed a radical improvement in the allergies.  My
thought, based on info learned about allergies, is that they were really
secondary, and resulted from the CD being undiagnosed for so long. If
you have allergies and they aren't treated, you'll develop corollary
allergies, so I think that's why I got no real relief -- the underlying
CD was unchecked. Since both allergies and CD involve immune
system suppression and similar antibodies, it would seem to make sense
that there's a relationships.