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Fri, 28 Jan 2000 08:26:20 -0800
text/plain (25 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

At 07:17 AM 1/28/00 -0500, Sue Newell wrote:

>At Canadian Celiac Association conference last May, Dr. Deker Butzner
>reported on his study of oat consumption by kids. He used Quaker Oats who
>gave him a figure of a maximum gluten contamination value of 58 milligrams
>of gluten per 100 grams of oats.
>His study showed that celiac kids who ate this oatmeal for breakfast every
>day did not show effects, as measured by blood tests.  The kids in his study
>did not eat oat flour or any other oat product. He has not tested adults.
>Sue Newell

Sue, it was specifically eating Quaker oatmeal for breakfast that first got
me in the shape that my doc made a tentative diagnosis of celiac over the
phone when I described my symptoms to see if I should come in to see him.
Quaker oats ruins me, and I'm not one of the sensitive ones. So I don't
know how the Canadians test to come up with that result. Puzzles me. Except
perhaps if we remember that those blood tests have been reported to
generate from 20 to 50 percent false negatives, according to which study
you read.
