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Sun, 12 Feb 2006 22:40:00 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Migraine relief: I found that Magnesium does help reduce migraines, however 
avoiding diarrhea is difficult. Magnesium glycinate was the best for me. If you 
take thyroid medicine, don't take calcium or magnesum for four hours before 
or after the thyroid, as it inteferes with it, according to my doctors. 

Food allergies have been a major problem for me, especially corn, aged 
cheese, chocolate, nuts and seeds. Since being on the celiac diet, however, the 
migraines stopped totally (six months now)! Am still taking magnesium, about 400mg 
in AM and PM, and the thyroid at noon. 

I also found a special cold Elastogel helmet that really helps. It's made of 
flexible material, Elastogel, and I keep it wrapped in a plastic bag in the 
freezer. Putting it on and laying down for half an hour, with half a pill of 
Bellergal, stops the headaches. However, you have to do it quickly, when the 
headache starts. http://www.elastogel.com/   look at products, then cold products 
for the head, the cranial cap. I wear a medium size, with a size seven head. 
It's been marvelous! 

Rabia Clark
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