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George & Gayle Kennedy <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 10:29:28 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The following message was sent to me by one of those who was
mentioned in my original posting.  Out of fairness to her, I think
her reply should go to the whole list.  She wrote:

"I am very appreciative of Gayle's post on the usage of acronyms. I also have
great difficulty reading through some of the known acronyms and then am
really puzzled by some of the abbreviated email lingo.

"As the poster of the message Gayle is referring to, I apologize for the
identification of Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) not being made at the first
usage in the message. I noticed this immediately when I reviewed the post
(after receiving it from the list) and  I almost made a second post to make
this correction. I am also a stickler for acronyms being defined at first
usage, but I missed this one.

"I have worked where there are infamous acronyms and possibly the same acronym
for different usage's because of different organizations within the same
company. That is really when it gets confusing.

I apologize to all for any confusion."

Seattle, WA

[Nancy - no hard feelings, I hope.  You just helped to prove my
point, and I appreciate your gracious reply.]

Gayle Kennedy