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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Sun, 28 Sep 2008 08:50:54 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I had the biopsy last week. Below is the exact, word for word report of the
findings thus far.

Ringed esophagus
Location: entire esophagus
Maneuver: biopsies were obtained
The z-line is 33 centimeters from the incisors. Top of the gastric folds is
33 centimeter from the incisors.
Esophagitis, Location - distal esophagus. Description - Possible Reflux. LA
Classification - Grade B. Biopsy taken at 33 cm, 31 cm. Maneuver - cold
biopsy forcep.
Esophagus Comments: Biopsies of ge junction and middle esophagus were
combined into a single specimen jar.
The diaphragm hiatus is at 40 cm from the incisor.
Large hiatal Hernia. Normal Mucosa.
Normal Duodenum.
Celiac Sprue Biopsies taken

Possible eosinophilic esophagitis
Reflux Disease GERD
Hiatal Hernia - Large
Reflux esophagitis

When I came to, the GI commented that she doubted I had CD...I guess based
on what she saw on the computer screen. I have no idea what she
saw...because I was out like a light. They told me I'd be aware and able to
take instructions, but I most certainly was not. I think my body is totally
wiped out from eating all this bread every day for 2 1/2 months.

I did an archive search here on EE, and though there aren't many emails on
the subject, what I've read here and on other sites and forums indicates
some sort of connection between CD and EE, at least in a significant number
of cases, maybe not all. Someone said she found out that EE is a precursor
to esophogeal cancer. Yikes!! My dad died from that. But I have read
elsewhere that there is no connection. So many opinions to read, so little time.

I'm not looking for proof that I need to give up gluten anymore. I'm still
chasing that little piece of paper with a definitive diagnosis, in order to
attem to persuade family members to do some testing themselves. All I can do
is try. The rest is up to them, as we all know only too well.

I do have one question:
What are the incisors? Are they referring to incisor teeth, or some portion
of the GI, below the mouth?

Final results for serological tests and biopsy will be in next week
sometime. I will report back. Love the feedback here. There are so many
knowledgeable and helpful folks, and so generous with what you all know. I
will summarize everything when I get all results back. I have another email
to summarize. I'll get to it...the High Holidays are upon me, so I may not
get to it until the end of October, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten. 

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