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"J.V. Rich" <[log in to unmask]>
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J.V. Rich
Thu, 8 Jul 2004 17:36:45 -0700
text/plain (81 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to those who responded to my email!  Here are the replies I got.

Jackie in AZ

Fortunately, summer is prime time for fresh and farm stand stuff, so 
you stand a chance.I always take rice cakes and baggies of raisins and 
nuts with me, figuring I can buy at least apples in the supermarket if 
there is really NOTHING. Travelling through the Dakotas -- truly, a 
food wasteland--I ate a lot of poached eggs and cottage cheese. It was 
fine. A week of that is not gonna kill anyone.

If I find something to eat in a Midwestern restaurant, great, but I 
don't count on it. I remember Traverse City as being especially 
difficult--fried everything. A salad bar, even, can be a problem 
because of cross-contamination from the croutons, dressings and so 
forth -- people are not careful about segregating the serving utensils.

At the same time, most of the fast food chains have a few gluten-free 
selections. You can find info about those in the archives of this list.
I just did a search on celiac support groups and there is a site for 
nationwide support groups.   They have a list of states and click on 
Michigan, it will take you to a list of cities in Michigan. 
In Traverse City there is a health food store called Edson Farms that 
carry and can order gluten free items.
There is a great health food store on East 8th or East 9th St or in that
general vicinity.  Turn off of Rt. 31, head east as far as you can go.
Store is not well signed.  I bought a number of GF items there.  Another
health food store is on south Garfield.  Look in the Traverse City phone
book.  Both places had good stuff.  Good luck.
  In Elk Rapids which is 10 miles north of Traverse is a restaurant 
called Pearls that has an incredible gluten-free menu.  The atmosphere 
is awesome and the food is even better!
In general, I don't even look for food in an airport, in any part of 
the country. Almost all of it is going to be processed one way or 
another-nothing against plastic, but the stabilizers, emulsifiers and 
etc. common to those foods are often, as you know, a problem. I fly 
coast-to-coast on Jet Blue fairly frequently (no meal service, just 
gluten-y snacks) and take stuff I prepare myself, packed in a couple of 
rectangular Tupperware containers, along with a plastic fork and a 
goodly number of paper towels. My meals are always, 100% of the time, 
better than what anyone around me is eating.
I just flew through the Minneapolis airport several months ago.  There 
is a McDonald's there, as well as a TGIFriday's or Applebee's or 
something like that.  They also have several food courts, and if I'm 
remembering right they have milk, yogurt, fruit, etc. available.  I 
think you will be able to find something to eat.  Traveling is scary 
the first time, but I found it's not too hard, especially in the US.  
Always have some food with you, just in case.  Good luck.
Just my 2 cents about flying. We just went to Florida and packed a
Lunchables Taco meal for my son who is 9. Other times we have packed 
snacks. It is a short flight. We did not have any problems with security
bringing in our own food. So pack a meal and ignore the overpriced 
and airline food.
I have eaten Jacks brand jerky (Not turkey unfortunately) and have not 
had a reaction.  Doesn't say it's gf though, and the company apparently 
does not answer emails.
We use Shelton's Turkey Sticks that are gluten free and chemical free.  
My children love them, but be careful Shelton's makes a Turkey Jerky 
and a beef Jerky that are  not gluten free.  I have to order them from 
their web site at www.sheltons.com.  They have a gluten free list of 
all of their products.

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*