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Print Reply
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 20:26:54 -0400
Luis Ignacio Hernandez <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Group:
First of all, please excuse the delay. I had to resubscribe because I
changed my email address. Remember also that I need help with my

Thanks for the answers about possible relations between CFS and CD.
I received many useful and interesting answers. Pay special attention
to Vance's message for new people in the group because it's very well

1) CFS/CD:
It seems that  a direct relationship between CFS, CD and other
inmune-rlated conditions such as Fybromialgya (FMS) is possible.
There was a interesting idea:

"I'm begining to wonder wether certain cases of CFIDS/ FMS are the
results of long-term untreated CD, or the results of CD heavily
activated by a stressor (Virus, Giardias, Bacteria)"
Another surprising point is that several answers coincide in stating
that after pregnancy (and possibly related to iron ingest) people with
certain disposition can develop CD symptoms: "Many women get symptoms
after being pumped with iron pills or pre-natal vitamins"

Barbara informed me about an address that I strongly recomend because
she was misdiagnosed once, and after further consults with doctors, she
was found to be suffering from Hemochromatosis. This is a condition
related to high iron levels in blood and tissue and it seems to be
connected with some CD cases.( It is a common genetic condition in
America).  The address is www.americanhs.org

2) About the need of a biopsy:

We got two different opinions.

There's a group inclined to get it done stating that it's the only way
to know by certain if one suffers from CD and wether or not following a
GF diet will help. Also, is important to verify small intestine satuts
(vili). Also it's seem to be important to know that..." You shouldn't go
on a GF diet before the biopsy beacuse it might change the results." (
Intestine tissue regenerate very quickly so, if you follow the diet
before the biopsy you could have a false negative result)
On the other hand, some tend to think that the biopsy could be
unnecessary if, after following a GF diet for three to six months, the
symptoms get better.

As a conclusion of this summary I recomend the article " When food
becomes the enemy" by Dr. J.A. Murray:

Thanks again. Best wishes for all of you

Carolina Plaza
Caracas, Venezuela