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Jan Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 12:19:40 EDT
text/plain (27 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My 16 yr. old daughter, who has had Celiac sprue since age 5, is going to
Australia in June as an exchange student.  She is going with a school group
and will have some food with her.  The teacher going with them and the
director of the program know that she has special dietary needs and are being
very helpful.

As you all know, someone without in depth knowledge about CD really as no
idea about the complexities of this diet.  My daughter is very knowledgable
and conscientious about her diet.  I am still worried that she will not have
the proper foods available and will not be able to eat properly.

I would like to find someone with Celiac in the Sydney and Cairns area that
she can contact if and when she needs assistance while she is there.  She
will be in Sydney June 25-July 5.  On July 5 they fly to Cairns and leave for
home on July 8.

If anyone in those areas would be willing to be a contact person/family for
her I would greatly appreciate it.  I will have more information on exactly
what town her host family will be in later.  In Cairns the group will be
staying at the Colonial Club Resort Hotel.

Thank you for any assistance you can give us.

Jane in USA (California)