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Medresearch <[log in to unmask]>
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Medresearch <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Mar 2013 18:34:26 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Celiac List Friends,

I am passing this on in case it will help somebody else.

Our celiac daughter(10 yrs since her celiac diagnosis) also has 
ulcerative colitis and allergy or intolerance to a number of foods 
including corn, soy, dairy, canola and zucchini.  We did not make much 
headway with her colitis until we decided to try an all organic diet.  I 
found it interesting that the only foods she was having trouble with are 
ones that 85%  to 95% of the crop are genetically modified.  Sugar beets 
are also almost entirely GMO now also.   For some foods we cannot find 
certified organic, but we have been able to find in some cases heirloom 
varieties or 3rd party "certified GMO free" products.  As I understand 
it, certified organic precludes GMO by definition.

In less than a year, no other changes being made, she has dramatically 
improved.  I have been reading about GMO products and there are many 
reports of an increase in inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis 
or crohns) starting around the time in the mid 1990s when GMO soy and 
then corn first becamewidely available on the market.  They are nearly 
everywhere in the food supply and hard to avoid.   Whole Foods is now 
responding to customer pressure to require products they carry to show 
on the label if more than 1% of the ingredients are GMO.  If you would 
like to read an article, here is the link


There is a very interesting DVD available about this:  "Genetic 
Roulette".  You can learn more about this at 
http://geneticroulettemovie.com/ or on www.mercola.com.

I hope this will help someone else as it has our family.
Paula in PA

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