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Caroline Blain <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Caroline Blain <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 16:03:37 -0500
text/plain (195 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to everyone.  Good info on hams and a few tips on family
vacations.  No information on Ern. NC groups.  Put the original post at the
end of the summary.

We had a lovely week on Emerald Isle, NC.  With four toddlers and everyone
coming from different locations for such a short visit, we ate in.  I spoke
with everyone ahead of time to organize a menu and who would do what.  My
mother-in-law decided the ham was too complicated and cooked a roast
seasoned with fresh garlic.  I cooked (chic and local seafood) the other
two. Both meals had simple sides and salads.  Worked out very well.
Everyone was on their own for breakfast and lunch.  We only ran into one
snag.  My mother-in-law (a nurse and E.M.T.) brought all the fixin's for an
apple crisp with an oat topping.  I was delighted that she worked so hard to
find something for us to share.  I know she was disappointed that oats were
not on our diet.

Don't rule Honey Baked out!!  They only glaze the hams after they receive
them at the store.  Just order an unglazed one.  Call ahead and find out
when they receive there shipments.  I go early when they open and they'll
show u the size hams you want and pick one out b/f they are glazed.  Done it
for a few years now with succress.

Hormel Cure 81 is gf and of the best hams around.

Low Country Broil or Beauford Stew is an easy favorite for family

In a big pot, boil little red potatoes, little corn ears, sausage
(kielbase-type), and, at the last minute, throw in shrimp (without heads).

Drain off the water, and pour everything out on a table that has about a
week's worth of newspapers on it!  And eat yourself silly!

Easy clean up, too.  Roll up newspapers and you are done!
Eat everything with your fingers (except the sausage & potatoes for some
prissy folks).


I eat the "Cooks" brand ham all the time without any problem. Delicious ham.

Cooks Ham is GF but if you buy the one with seasoning packet DO NOT use
packet.  This ham is excellent.

Hams really are not that much of a challenge. Yes, the Honeybaked is out,
you should avoid any commercially glazed ham. Beyond that, every ham I've
checked during the past 3 years has been GF. All Smithfield hams -- except
glazed ones -- are definitely GF. Same with Kroger. And on and on.

Last week I did a pork shoulder roast w/ sliced onions, garlic powder and gf
BBQ sauce - stick 'em all in the crockpot in the morning, set to 10 hours
cook, ignore until dinner time. The pork gets so tender that it just shreds
itself. I served it over rice with a big salad. For a large crowd, you'd
probably want to get 2 or 3 of the pork shoulders - slice in half before

For our family of 3, there was enough left for me to use the next day in a
dish we dubbed "Baked Beans Deluxe." Pre-soak 1 lb navy beans overnight,
cook, plain, for about 6 hours. Scoop out most of the water the beans cooked
in, then add leftover shredded pork, dried onions, liquid saving from
pork the day before, more gf BBQ sauce and seasonings to your preference. I
also threw in chunks of celery 'cause I was out of carrots. Serve as a side
dish w/ cheese on top if desired.

Both these recipes are easy and require fairly minimal time involvement. You
could also bring along gf pasta and help other family members figure out a
sauce that would be agreeable to all.

The other suggestion would be to print a gf food list off of the web and
copies to family members so that they will know what brands and products
be safe for you.

I believe Logan Farms, Sam's Club Ham and Kroger are all GF.  Also Hormel 81
spiral sliced (including the glaze packet).  Some HEB hams are gf and others
are not.  You have to call to be sure - we ate one but I forgot to write
down which flavor it was!

Even Honeybaked is o.k. if you call ahead and request one without the glaze.
It is the glaze you have to watch.  I believe most hams are inherently gf.

...know as well that you can order a Honeybaked Ham without the glaze.
It's the glaze that's a problem.  Otherwise it's fine for Celiacs.  Of
course, you may be concerned about contamination, but we've never had a

When we go to the beach w/my husband's parents, his sister, and our 3 kids,
I usually pack my own snacks, breakfast foods, etc. (I'm the only celiac). I
write my name on each item with a black magic marker and try to put them
somewhere out of the way so there's no confusion.  We ate out every day for
supper, usually at K&W cafeteria, where I could get lots of good, plain,

As far as the meat goes, maybe you could find a local butcher who could
provide you with a plain ham or turkey if the meat dept. in the grocery
store can't. Freeze it, then take it wherever you're vacationing.

Also, watch your abbreviations when posting on the listserve.  The initials
"dh" mean "dermatitis herpeteformis" on this listserve, a skin condition
related with gluten intolerance. You will probably get angry emails from
people insisting that the "dh" person shouldn't eat "everything".

Just a couple of ideas that I wanted to pass along.  When we go to my
sister's house she fixes taco salads which is easy for a large group and
great for lunch or dinner.  Also, spaghetti is easy for a large group.  When
my family comes to my house in the summer to swim we always grill soy garlic
chicken.  Everytime I have served this the guest always ask for the recipe.

Soy Garlic Chicken
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 TBS Ketchup
1 TBS Vinegar
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 tsp pepper
4 boneless chicken breast

Combine first 6 ingredients in shallow dish or plastic bag.  Add chicken.
Cover and chill 4 hours.  Remove chicken from marinade, discarding marinade.
  Grill covered w/ grill lid, over med-high heat (350-400 degrees) 12 min
each side.

You could mix the marinade before going and just add the chicken once you
got to your destination.  I fix this in the morning and put it in the
refrigerator.  I also wash broccolli and have it ready for the microwave and
place it in the refrigerator.  About an hour before dinner I put potatoes in
the oven and drop a bag of baby carrotts in water to cook slowly.  Sometimes
I also have corn on the cob washed in the refrigerator.  About 10 minutes
before dinner we drop the corn in and put the broccolli in the microwave.
It's an easy meal that the prep work can be done ahead of time and the
quantities can be increased easily for your crowd.

Go to one of the 4 www.wholefoodsmarket.com  in NC.  They have everything
including a new g/f bakery in NC.


I would suggest you to ask your question at the Delphi CD Forum:
There are very kind & knowledgeable people there, doctors included.
Moreover, I have posted thousands of GF recipes, among them my "Best of
Mireille":  http://forums.delphiforums.com/celiac/messages?msg=14862.2

Original Question:
Any support groups in Ern. NC?  We are in New Bern and new sprues.

Also, we are going on an big family trip.  Each couple is taking a night to
cook.  (I would be happy to cook every night to keep the gf/cf easy) but
everyone wants to chip in and take turns.

My mother-in-law wants to have a family dinner with a baked ham that she can
bake ahead and bring or better yet purchase and have the left overs feed us
each day for lunch.  She is trying to have a big meal that everyone can
enjoy and requires minimum cooking on her part.  She doesn't like to cook.

We know that the old favorite of HoneyBaked is out.  Any gf hams out there?
Do hams have the same challenges as turkeys?

My family (four gf/cf--New sprues, and dh can eat everything) doesn't do
lunch meats so we will be doing other options whether or not we can have the
ham for lunch.  I have a two week menu that we rotate through and had
planned to just cook for everyone else since I love to cook.  It is dh's
family; his parents, sister & child, and brother plus our three sprue babies
and my sprue self.

Would love to hear suggestions on the ham, other large meats, and family
vacation tips.  I plan to put together some info packs (do's & don'ts) for
the adults to review before we go in Nov.
The end.

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