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Asdis Jenna Astradsdottir <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 19:57:23 +0000
Text/Plain (4 kB) , 02.jpg (17 kB)
I'm Deaf and use sign language! Deaf pride!  


-------Original Message-------


From: [log in to unmask]

Date: 18.10.2006 19:19:21

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Re: Update and Galludet U


As a person who works in the "reai world" and who is severely hard of

hearing, I totally sympathise with those who want to get conchlear

implants=2E  I think any communication barrier is at an disavantage to the=


dear/HoH person and they need to be wide open to possibilities=2E






Original Message:


From: Linda Walker lwalker@CHILDPRO=2EORG

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:14:19 -0700


Subject: Re: Update and Galludet U



Really cool work, Anthony=2E Hey is anyone following Galludet's=20

University (deaf schools) fight with students over the right to sign=20

versus having to hear or getting  cochlear implants=2E It seems we are=20

close technologically to making it so everyone can hear and some=20

students are resisting this=2E What do you think=3F

Story in USA Today=2E



At 11:33 AM 10/14/2006, you wrote:

>I forgot to mention that on Wednesday evening, the opening of Closing The=


>Gap, since PRC is celebrating their 40th Anniversary, we're hosting a

>dinner, and they want me to greet the guests, which I'm honored to=2E  It=


>weird to think 12 years ago when I attended my first CTG, I was a outside=


>to the company, and now I'm hosting their dinner, as well as helping them=


>develop their products=2E


>I'm only scheduled to host PRC's dinner, and the wrest of the time I have=



>be at the AAC Institute, which is surprising but I guess they want me mor=


>active there, and I have done research over there=2E


>The dark side is many people in augmentative and alternative communicatio=


>want me involved in their area, and sometimes I have to let PRC be on the=


>back burner=2E  The company doesn't mind, it helps us sell but sometimes =


>feel bad I have to distort them=2E





>(I blog)


>-----Original Message-----

>From: Cerebral Palsy List [mailto:C-PALSY@LISTSERV=2EICORS=2EORG] On Beha=

lf Of

>Gary Peterson

>Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:20 PM


>Subject: Re: Update


>Hey Anthony!!


>This is all really great news=2E  Keep up your great work!!


>See ya-Gary



>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006, Anthony Arnold wrote:


> > Friends,

> >

> >

> >

> > I know I have been quiet lately, I have been fairly busy at work with

> > getting software tested and about ready to be released shortly, and al=


> > getting ready to leave for Closing The Gap next Wednesday, so it's a


> > exciting time in my life=2E  Also just today, I received another very


> > review and a 4% raise, I credit this to my experience last spring with=



> > through counseling and medication, they have not only improved my work=


> > performance but my whole life in general=2E  I want to thank some of y=



> > wrote to me last spring as I was going through that=2E  It's like livi=

ng a

> > whole new life to be able to be a positive person=2E  I have also lost=



> > weight with some more to lose, and I lift weights 3 times a week=2E

> >

> >

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Anthony

> >

> > <http://www=2Eanthonyarnold=2Enet> www=2Eanthonyarnold=2Enet

> >

> > (I blog)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -----------------------

> >

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> >




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http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E




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