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Anee Stanford <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Sun, 5 Nov 2000 15:36:25 EST
text/plain (26 lines)
I am not talking about curtaling because I have CP, but in addition to CP I
also have DJD, IBS, GAD and HTN.   You dont have to go out and do everything
to prove that you are some supper gimp.  Do fun recreational things once in a
while but don't go out and do it to the point that you are taring your body
apart like what I did this symester. And rember your in school not to just
have fun but get a degree.


In a message dated 11/5/00 11:09:50 AM Mountain Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> I partly disagree with you.  I think getting help is a good idea, but
> asking Anee to give up something recreational is akin to giving in to her
> CP.  Sure, life would be easier if we all just sat home in our own little
> world, but I refuse to do that.  For too many years I sat home and was a
> good little CP boy, but now it's my turn to live. Is life a struggle?  You
> bet it is, I struggle and take risks everyday, that's just part of life.
> Anee whether she knows it or not is a role model for others, as you are
> and hopefully me too.  There was a time I hated going out, wouldn't eat in
> public because I was too embarassed, and then one day I said screw society
> if they are bothered by me that's their problem not mine.  So I say to Anee
> do what you can to be safe and control your problems, but NEVER curtail