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Bobby Greer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 06:46:55 -0500
text/plain (55 lines)

        I would check with someone in wholistic medicine. Baclofen may be
the answer, but it has side-effects which affects individuals differently.
Is there a massage, orthotic or sometime else which may help. Some people
may laugh, but have you checked out health food stores for herbs and the


>Jill and everybody,
>     I went to the neuro today and showed him what you wrote, Jill.  He
>said that it is right, but a sling may do more damage than help.  He told
>me to take a year to contemplate getting Bacflolin (sp) injections right
>into the arm muscle itself.  I do not know what to do because he said that
>he doesn't know how I will react to it and the though of getting a needle
>in me every 3 months does not sound like fun and also I might be moving
>to a different state after I graduate in about a year.  I just need
>Chester Worwa
>On Sun, 28 Jun 1998, Jill Jacobs wrote:
>>  Chester,
>> HA!  Doctors do NOT always know what they are talking about.  They know what
>> they have learned in school, and they know what they have learned from
>> experience dealing with patients.  However, I have found that a great many
>> 'experts' have not assimiliated one damn smidgen of what they have
>> experienced (working with patients) into their repertoire.
>> *You* know what is best for you.  The doctors, therapists, etc that work
>> with you should listen to what you say you are experiencing (whether it is
>> pain, spasms, any sensation or feeling), share their insight, and *then*, as
>> a *team* develop a plan to manage it.
>> Jill A. Jacobs
>>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>  To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.   ~Abraham
>> Lincoln
>>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> The hope of the world is still in dedicated minorities. The trailblazers in
>> human, academic, scientific, and religious freedom have always been in the
>> minority. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
>>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~