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Gordon Stewart <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Aug 2000 19:40:45 +0100
text/plain (28 lines)
Hello, Im new to the list, & will wait for a few
messages to come through, to see what the latest
topic(s) are about...

Basically, I am 31 yrs old, with CP since birth (*),
and living on my own -(NOTE: I have lived on my own
for years, before - now I rent my own flat, & just a
flat-mate to help pay rent - but we lead seperate

I live in Auckland New Zealand.

(*) NOTE :- as far as I know, Cerebral palsey only
occurs at birth -  can anyone confirm/correct me.

Gordon Stewart.

[log in to unmask] [log in to unmask]
My ICQ number is :- 83440115 http://www.icq.com
gordonistewart_nz (at) hotmail (dot) com

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