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Bobby Greer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 11:40:31 -0500
text/plain (63 lines)

        A very wise and sage move! And, I see, Jasper did respond. I am not
at all in favor of changing names, list owners, let alone beginning a new
list! There has been a dramatic decrease in "traffic", of late, but, as you
said, this is due to the time of year, etc. I like communing with me
listserv people and I think we support each other for the most part.
Personally, I have no problem with Jasper and I wish he would stay on. In
fact, Jasper has been most helpful to me.

        Hope your summer is rocking along okay with no major problem. We
just gave my wife old car to my daughter and son-in-law. The damn car
overheated on the way out oof town and my son-in-law is still here 'til we
get it fixed.


>Hi Bobby,
>        No problem!!  I don't know who Jasper has in mind for a
>replacement - but I do know several folks volunteered( including myself as a
>share job with a friend of mine - who is disabled), and changing the list
>name just came up this morning with thge folks who thought the current
>inactivity meant the list had died as opposed to it means - its summer and
>folks have more stuff to do and places to go. They wanted to start a new
>before the old one dies - I doubt this going to happen. Even if we get
>abandoned by Jasper ( and I don't think this would happen) its not like we
>can't contact The ListServer thingy and take over ourselves. I think would
>be a good time for Jasper to say something!! I cahnged thread name in hopes
>he notices and replies - to lazy to look for his address!! GRIN
>                            Brightest Blessings
>                                   Trisha
>>         Thanks for ther reply and update. I guess I got in on the middle
>> this thread. I knew about Jasper wanting to step down as list master, but
>> missed the namme change/new list thread. I am agin' any new list or name
>> change.
>> Bobby
>> Hi Bobby,
>> >
>> >        You missed Jasper handing in his resignation as List Leader. He
>> >for volunteers - he got some. What is currently happening is unknown
>> >he hasn't posted for a bit - not doubt busy!! List name was never up for
>> >change just ownership - as usually someone came in at the end and got the
>> >wrong idea and started a new thread -
>> >
>> >                                   Brightest Blessings
>> >                                        Trisha
>> >
>> >>         I must have missed part of this. Why are we changing names,
>> >> moderators, etc.???