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Gary Peterson <[log in to unmask]>
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Sep 2008 17:34:41 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (46 lines)
Hi all,  Hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend!!

So have an animal question specifically pertaining to Pit Bulls. 
I'll preface this by saying before I moved out of my parents
house I grew up with all kinds of animals large and small. 
Mostly dogs and cats, but living in a small country town in
northern Ca, my brothers thru in many snakes, lizards and the
like along the way.

While I don't have a problem with animals of any kind, after
moving out of my parents house and into my first apartment at the
age of 24, I decided I didn't want any animals.  I felt then and
to this day, it is enough for me to manage my own life and staff
without the added responsibility and upkeep of an animal.

One day last week out of nowhere, one of my staff said:
"I didn't no your neighbors had a Pit Bull."  I said:
"I didn't know they did either."  While I know dogs are aloud in
the complex here, these apartments are on the small side.  So
even if I wanted a dog, a Pit Bull would be last on my list if at
all.  The first thing I thought of after she told me that, was
the horrible dog mauling in San Francisco about 4 years ago.  I
just remember the media and everyone talking about how the owners
should have never kept a dog that size in that small apartment. 
What bothers me in this case is not so much the dog its self, but
the owners.  They've been here about 6 months and they fight
allot!!  The police have been called on several occasions to
break up fights and other disturbing behavior.  On top of this,
they have 3 small and very  rowdy kids.

So given these factors should I assume because the dog lives in
such a volatile environment and because these apartments are so
small, might this dog go off one day on someone?  Are there
different sizes of Pit Bulls?  Should I go to my apartment
manager and let her know my concerns?  Are my concerns unfounded?

I'd greatly appreciate any incite on this.



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