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Mon, 2 Apr 2001 15:17:24 EDT
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In a message dated 04/02/2001 11:12:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

> On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 12:18:00AM -0400, Betty B wrote:
>     (ideopathic peripheral neuropathy and whatever icky thing
>      causing it; virtual CP;
>  Betty, does virtual CP mean you only have it when you are on the
>  Internet???!!!! rotflmao
You are very close Rayna.  Actually, virtual CP is what you have when you are
the only person on the list with a disability and it isn't CP. Just so you
don't feel like an outsider, a kind soul with a virtual medical degree (as
our dear Ken in this case) comes along and gives you the virtual diagnosis of
virtual CP so you don't feel like you are the odd man (so to speak) out.

I keep trying to get my neurologist to chart this but he won't.  Perhaps you
all can help me convince him.  Just post your letters to Dr. Leslie (I can't
use his last name because it would be unethical.  If any of the other
neurologists found out that he was having this much fun with his patients, he
would be in deep ca ca).  Here is an example:

Dear Dr. Leslie:

Please officially diagnose Betty Alfred with CP so she will...

a.  ...feel more at home on the C-PALSY listserv.
b.  ...stop whining so those of us who really do have CP can finally get some
c.  ...have more fun with sex (yes I did say that: find me in this city).
d.  ...have a disability that people can pronounce and has heard of.
e.  ...all of the above.
f.   ...none of the above.

Of course, you may compose your letter any way you like.  Far be it from me
to put a damper on your creative genius.

My next appointment is April 20, at 1:30 pm.  If you can post something
before then, I can see that he receives your letter in time for us to discuss
the merits of your proposal.  I'll let you know what he says in reply.

Oh my God, I misspelled idiopathic in my first post and I've got to show this
to my doctor.  How stoopid of me!  How can a thimg like this harpen?

If you'd like to say anything to my psychiatrist, his name is "Dr. Michael."
Like, for instance, you might want to tell him that I taught you all that
"fruitcakes aren't just for Christmas anymore," or that you think my
medication dosage needs immediate and drastic adjustment, or that you think I
am in need of some serious brain amperage therapy.

whAt plaNeT iS tHiS?