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Gabriel Orgrease <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 09:39:24 -0100
text/plain (38 lines)
I set down the biography of Stalin in order to read the Iacocca book. It 
was a good strong read for the most part. Then I noticed a similarity 
between what Iacocca has to say and what Al Gore is saying in The 
Assault on Reason. Both books make me irritated, to put it mildly. I 
look forward to getting back to Stalin. I think interesting that Stalin 
in person was described as a genial and likable guy... the kind of guy 
you could look into the eyes and come away saying that you had seen his 
soul and felt a brotherhood. It is curious to me that in the one-liner 
hyperbole that is our NEWS that though Hitler & Nazi sometimes gets 
thrown around, that there never seem to be any comparisons between our 
political leaders and Stalin. I wonder why that is?

A young x-Marine that I recently met was complaining about the attitude 
of Hispanics in the NY workforce, that they exhibit a kind of arrogance 
towards Americans. This fellow was a third generation Russian immigrant. 
I explained it this way... if there was someone identified as wiping out 
the middle class and creating a situation where in America there were 
only the rich 1% controlling 90% of the wealth, and 90% of the 
population with 1% of the wealth, then he might find himself having 
reason to be a bit pissed. That as the USA has been enforcing and 
enabling this sort of an arrangement (though I admit I exagerate 
slightly) on every peoples in the Western Hemisphere excepting possibly 
for Canada for a few generations that it would make sense that an 
Hispanic worker on arriving in NY would be on the defensive and may have 
a slight attitude. Hell, I only migrated 300 miles and I have an attitude.


Jim Follett wrote:

> That’s the problem with writing implied sarcasm

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