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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Aug 2013 11:10:51 -0400
text/plain (187 lines)
Actually, I've only once used the hand mike with the 590.  I find the PF key 
on the front panel gives me the feedback I need; if I want to look at ALC I 
just press the other button above the function keys when I'm transmitting.

The Other Steve, K8SP
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kent Plemmons" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: TS-590 headphones/hand mike functions

> Hi Steve,
> In retrospect after hearing about the array of other options available, I
> can see that this type of headset/mic with pf keys isn't as necessary as I
> had thought.  I do need to use headphones but didn't know that the pf keys
> could be emulated on other devices such as boom mics or key boxes.  My
> primary thought was to be able to hear as much as possible in order to
> control and operate the radio as I could.  It sounds like there are other
> ways to accomplish this in a more simple manner.
> Kent
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
> Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 5:39 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: TS-590 headphones/hand mike functions
> Kent,
> Is there a specific reason  you have to use a headset mic  and a
> specific reason you have to have the extra pf keys?   The extra keys are
> nice, but there are 2 on the radio and if you wind  up with a mic that has
> up/down buttons, they can be remapped in the 590's menus to act as pf 
> keys.
> The reason I gave a lot of those oddball options  earlier is just to show
> that  there are often ways to  work around perceived obstacles.
> I always wear a headset when I operate, but rarely use the attached mic.
>   I prefer a desk mic mounted to a boom.  I also use a home brew pf key 
> box
> with 6 buttons to emulate the  pf keys.
> 73 and good luck, Steve KW3A
> On 8/18/2013 5:21 PM, Kent Plemmons wrote:
>> Steve,
>> You are right about making life complicated at the start.  You have
>> mentioned some good options.  I Need to decide what route to take to
>> begin with and go from there and make changes as the need arises.
>> Kent
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: For blind ham radio operators
>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
>> Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 12:04 AM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: Re: TS-590 headphones/hand mike functions
>> Kent,
>> I think you are making your life  mor complicated than it has to be
>> before you even gotten your feet wet.
>> You have several options, but none of them will be fun.
>> Your headset will probably have a 1/8  audio plug that will need an
>> adapter to connect to the 8 pin mic connector on the front of the rig.
>>    You can buy a microphone switch box to allow 2 mics to connect to a
>> single radio.   You could connect the headset adapter  and the hand mic
>> to this box and  switch to the hand mic  when you use the buttons,
>> then switch back to the head set afterwards.
>> You could build yourself a box with  buttons on it to emulate the pf
>> keys and  accept any mic you wish.
>> You could have someone modify the hand mic, break out the audio line
>> and put in a  jack to plug in your headset mic.  Your keys would work
>> and you would have your headset mic, but you will have to develop  a
>> ptt
>> scheme: either vox, or a foot or hand switch.
>>     There is software on the Kenwood site that *I think* would allow
>> you to keep the  hand mic plugged into the radio and run the headset
>> mic  to the pc and send audio to the computer.  I think this software is
>> designed   to allow use of the pc's mic and speakers when  controlling
>> the radio remotely.    I honestly don't know that much about it, but
>> there may be something there worth looking into.
>> There may be some easier way to do this, but it's late and I'm drawing
>> a blank.
>> You could get a desk mic with pf keys, and just not use the mic part
>> of the headset  Or afix the hand mic to a boom and key with a foot
>> switch to keep your hands free.  (This wouldn't be my first choice,
>> but it could work in a pinch).
>> .
>> 73, Steve KW3A
>> On 8/17/2013 10:17 PM, Kent Plemmons wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> I did a poor job of providing the details.
>>> I am interested in using a headset (hs) with a built in mic.  I also
>>> need
>> to
>>> use the ts-590 hand mic as it has the 4 programmable function keys.
>>> How would this work?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Kent
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: For blind ham radio operators
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 9:40 PM
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: TS-590 headphones/hand mike functions
>>> I might be missing something here.  The 590 has a 8 pin round jack
>>> for the mic to connect to.  There is also a 1/4 inch  jack for the
>>> headphones, and never the twain will meet.  What is the hp jack you 
>>> refer
> to?
>>> 73, Steve KW3A
>>> On 8/17/2013 7:51 PM, Kent Plemmons wrote:
>>>> Hi Guys,
>>>> I have a question regarding the TS-590 and using headphones and the
>>>> 590 hand mic that has the 4 programmable function keys.
>>>> I want to use a set of headphones with a ts-590.  If the headphone
>>>> jack fits into the hp jack, unless there is an adapter of some sort
>>>> how could you have access to the 4 pf keys on the 590 mic as the
>>>> hand mic would need to plug into the mic jack that the headphones are
> using?
>>>> How do you guys do this?
>>>> Thank you all,
>>>> Kent Plemmons
>>>> North of Waynesville NC
>>>> Skype: kent.plemmons
>>>> KK4FFF