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"Yared, Michael" <[log in to unmask]>
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Library Access --
Mon, 1 Nov 1999 08:45:33 -0500
text/plain (35 lines)
        Most complaints are brought forward against those
who may be ignorance or did not know because WE did not
teach them. Most people don't understand legal court decision
because the legal department in a company don't talk to the
personnel/human resource department in most cases. For
example, it is illegal to ask "whether are you disabled?"
on application form of private and public business;
all local and state government (execpt the federal
government); and all places of public accommodation
because there is no affirmative action requirement/
provision in the ADA.
        My experiences is that to bring to libraries'
attention how to set up a WWW accessbiel page from
the WWW Consortium.

<<Date:    Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:38:29 -0500
From:    "Schmetzke, Axel" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: ADA complaints regarding library AT

I don't understand your statement. Similar to David, I have been looking for
complaints, or possibly court cases, against libraries or other public
institutions for not providing accessible web pages. Why?  Because citing
these court cases, whether in articles or in direct
conversations/confrontations with representatives of public institutions is
probably more effective in bringing about change then mere moral arguments.
If I can't convince someone that designing web pages accessibly is the right
thing to do, then perhaps the citation of a pertinent court decision might
convince him/her that it should be done on legal grounds. (Nobody wants to
hassle with a law suit).

Axel Schmetzke
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point>>