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Ann Marie Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
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African Association of Madison <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Jan 2017 06:41:36 -0600
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January 17, 2017
BBC News Africa

[image: Inline image 1]AFP
A deal was reached with some soldiers last week to pay them a bonus after
they mutinied

Paramilitary forces in Ivory Coast have fired shots into the air in several
cities in what seems to be the start of a new mutiny.

Shots were heard in the main city Abidjan, the capital, Yamoussoukro, and
the western cities of Man and Daloa.

The latest unrest comes as the government has started paying soldiers who
mutinied earlier this month a bonus of $20,000 (£16,000) each.

The gendarmes are believed to be demanding a similar payment.

The government agreed to pay off mutinous soldiers - for the most part
former rebels who helped President Alassane Ouattara come to power in 2011,
and were then integrated into the army.

This seems to have provoked jealousy among those who were not part of the
deal agreed on Friday.

The development highlights the divisions in the country's security forces
and raises fresh concerns about its stability, says BBC World Service
Africa editor James Copnall.

A resident of Yamoussoukro told the Reuters news agency that he was was
confused by the incident.

"I don't know why they are shooting, but we ran to get home. I live next to
the camp; I can see them walking around inside the camp."

Another resident told the Associated Press news agency that the initial
gunfire in the capital lasted about 20 minutes.

"There were shots, and now the traders have gone. They've closed up their
shops in the city centre."

The AFP news agency is reporting that one soldier has been killed in the
trouble in Yamoussoukro.

Ann Marie

"The art of living consists of knowing what to pay attention to and what to
ignore."  -- Mardy Grothe


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