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Michael Audette <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 18:47:22 -0600
text/plain (45 lines)
  Dairy can mess up the mucus lining of the sinus passages and decrease your
ability to smell. Most of taste is smell.

[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Paleolithic Eating Support List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Dori Zook
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 10:45 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [P-F] Why sweeten anyway? + slight tech question (was:

Thanks for the following, Rachel!

>Keep posting as you do.  Your input is valuable and there will always be
>people who will learn from it and/or relate to what you think, feel and
>believe.  As for the naysayers--- they can skip the stevia sweetened
>lemonaide, limeaide, macaroons, custard, and coconut ice cream!  No harm

Speaking of learning, I was a good teacher on Christmas Eve.  I took to the
service a plate of strawberries, orange sections and paleo cakes & cookies.
I gave a cookie to my endocrinologist friend as in my attempt to turn him on
to sweetening options for his low-carbing PCOS patients.  He thinks what I'm
doing is just nuts (remember previous post re: his opine on Cordain's
research?), so I go out of my way to help him learn something.  He liked the
alternative sweeteners and said he'd pass word along to his patients!  Call
it my Christmas gift to those who used to be like me; fat, unhealthy and

Here's my techie question.  Something about giving up dairy cut my
'cravings' for sweets while increasing the sensitivity of my taste buds.
Any ideas as to why?

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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