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Print Reply
"M. J. P. Senk" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
M. J. P. Senk
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 21:34:17 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (120 lines)
In addition to the demo described, I'm told that a visitor from the east
will bring the BookWorm portable reader for our examination.

VIPACE Meeting Friday September 17, 1999

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, the Carrick Branch Library
1811 Brownsville Road
Pittsburgh PA 15210
412 882-3897
web page -
directions -

The September VIPACE meeting will be a site visit to the Carrick
Library's Assistive Technology Lab. The lab and conference room will
be available for our use from 5 to 8 PM, with the meeting to start at
6 PM. Early birds are welcome to try out the lab's computers and
assistive technology before the start of our meeting. Equipment at the
lab includes:
ZoomText Xtra magnification
Juliet braille printer
Duxbury Braille translation
PowerBraille 40
and Scanning systems


Ilene Sirocca, an associate and totally blind computer user, will
demonstrate the new product Road Runner by Ostrich Software, a tiny
portable text reading device which weighs only 4 ounces! Also, Ilene
will talk about high speed Internet access for the home. For more
information on the Road Runner, check out the following two sites:
  Ostrich Software
  ShrinkWrap Computer Products  has an available demo in real audio

Business Meeting:

Business continues with review and reform of the VIPACE bylaws,
specifically Article II entitled Officers. Sections 1 through 9 are as

Section 1. There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist
of the Coordinator, Program Organizer, Public Relations (PR) Editor,
Treasurer and Secretary.

Section 2. Terms of office shall be one (1) year, beginning January 1
following their election. With the exception of the PR Editor,
Secretary and Treasurer, there shall be a limit of three (3)
successive terms in any position. There shall be no limit to the
number of terms for the PR Editor, Secretary or Treasurer in their
respective positions.

Section 3.  The Esecutive Committee shall act on behalf of the
membership between membership meetings with the following exception;
     a. dissolution of the organization.
The Executive Committee shall be governed by, and shall not
countermand, any previuosly established resolution or policy of the

Section 4.  Vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled by
election at its next membership meeting.

Section 5.  The Coordinator shall preside at all meetings of the
membership and Executive Committee. The Coordinator shall be the chief
executive officer and shall ensure that all business and resolutions
of the membership are carried into effect. The Coordinator shall cause
to be distributed to the meembership important correspondence. The
Coordinator shall be an ex officio member of all committees with the
exception of the nominating committee.

Section 6.  The Program Organizer shall schedule a speaker or arrange
for a program at each membership meeting. In addition, the Program
Organizer shall make those arrangements needed to conduct the program.

Section 7.  The Public Relations Editor shall publicize the
organization both internally through electronic mail and externally
through publicity releases such as the organization web site.

Section 8.  The Secretary shall ensure that a record of the
proceedings of the executive committee and the membership meetings is
kept, and that records and correspondences are maintained. The
Secretary is responsible for performing such other duties as may be

Section 9.  The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds and
other property belonging to the organization or under its control, and
shall deposit all funds in the name of the organization in a bank as
may be approved by the executive committee. The Treasurer shall
disperse the funds of the organization within the membership-approved
limits as may be ordered by the Coordinator, and shall render to the
Executive Committee and the membership such annual and periodic
reports as may be required by them. The Treasurer's records shall be
open for inspection by the executive committee and the membership at a
reasonable time and place.

Come visit and try out the Carrick Branch's NEW lab with computers and
assistive technology, plus join the VIPACE meeting, demonstrations and
disscussion on Friday evening September seventeenth. Everyone is
welcome to attend!

* Carrick Library info
* Directions to the Carrick Library
* New VIPACE home page
* To send email  [log in to unmask]
* For info on the lab equipment email Margaret Schmitt
[log in to unmask]

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