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Bill Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 10:28:36 +1000
text/plain (164 lines)
>From: "Andrew Haydon Alcock" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "Kofi Annan UN Secreatary General" <[log in to unmask]>
>Cc: "Leftlink etc" <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 01:33:41 +0930
>Sender: [log in to unmask]
>Precedence: bulk
>Campaign for an Independent East Timor (South Australia) Inc.
>Affiliated to the East Timor Relief Association, the Australian Coalition
>for a Free East Timor and the Australian East Timor Network
>Global Education Centre
>first floor, Torrens House
>220 Victoria Square,
>                                          ADELAIDE
>         SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5000
>17 April 1999
>TO :
>His Excellency
>Mr Kofi Annan
>UN General Secretary
>Mr Bill Clinton
>President of the US
>Mr John Howard
>PM of Australia
>Mr Tony Blair
>PM of the United Kingdom
>Dear Sirs,
>As you should be aware, murderous criminal gangs of pro Indonesian militias
>who are armed, trained, coordinated and paid by the Indonesian military and
>the Habibie-Alatas regime are rampaging through Dili wreaking death,
>destruction and suffering to all pro independence Timorese.
>At least 8 people have died today, including the nephew of the former
>Indonesian appointed governor of East Timor, Mr Mario Carrascalao. On 6
>April, there was a massacre of 57 people in the town of Liquica. The
>victims were hacked to death or shot.
> The latest news from Dili is that Mr Carrascalao, himself, is also under
>Tomorrow, the militias claim that they will murder East Timorese Nobel
>Peace Laureate and Catholic Church leader, Bishop Carlos Belo when he
>conducts an open air mass at Taci Tolu. This site is the place where Pope
>John Paul 2 said mass in 1989. It is also the location of a mass grave of
>East Timorese murdered by the Indonesian regime.
>This grave situation has come about because of the following reasons:
>the Indonesian regime, currently headed by Dr Habibie and Mr Ali Alatas,
>intends to thwart by any means the right of the East Timorese to have their
>the failure of the UN and western governments to curb the genocidal
>activities of the Indonesian regime since it illegally seized power in 1965
>in a blood bath that may have claimed the lives of 3 million people
>the continuing military support and training by western governments to this
>regime over the past three decades heedless of the crimes that it had
>already committed in West Papua and parts of Indonesia by the late 1960s
>the failure of the UN to force the military of this regime out of West
>Papua after the brutal and so called Act of Free Choice in 1969
>the activities of many corporations and arms manufacturers that profited
>  from the exploitation of the resources and peoples of East Timor, West
>Papua and Indonesia or sold weapons to the Indonesian regime with the
>connivance of governments that claimed to be committed to the principles of
>democracy and justice
>the  turning of the diplomatic and political blind eye, the deaf ear or the
>use of appeasing words by the UN and political leaders and diplomats of
>western countries when they should have been speaking out and condemning
>the actions of this criminal and genocidal regime
>those UN and western government diplomats and politicians who have
>callously refused a peace keeping presence in East Timor or resiled from
>taking sanctions against Indonesia
>those UN and western diplomats and politicians who refused to allow Xanana
>and other East Timorese leaders to be involved with talks about the future
>of East Timor and gave assurances that this regime would act honourably in
>the matter of East Timorese independence
>        All of the above mentioned individuals, governments and
>organisations have
>blood on their hands every bit as much as the actual perpetrators of the
>bloody crimes - the Indonesian politicians and generals.
>        Questions that all citizens of the world who are devoted to peace and
>justice want to ask you are these:
>        Are you all going to let these militias carry out their murderous and
>criminal acts on behalf of this genocidal regime and do nothing?
>        Are you going to let them murder thousands of East Timorese and
>maybe even
>a Nobel Peace Laureate and a former governor without taking any action -
>not even a word of warning?
>        Are you going to allow this regime and its murderous militias to
>the process of self determination in East Timor?
>        As a matter of urgency, we strongly urge you to cooperate to:
>1.      Give a strong word of warning to Dr Habibie and Mr Alatas that their
>regime will face economic sanctions unless they make immediate moves to
>disband and disarm the militias and remove all Indonesian military
>personnel from East Timor
>2.      Stop all military assistance and cooperation with Indonesia and
>urge all
>nations to do the same
>3.      Immediately send a UN peacekeeping force to East Timor to achieve peace
>and rule of law
>4.      Immediately send economic and humanitarian aid to support the
>5.      Ensure that any referendum on East Timor's future occurs only after
>every  Indonesian soldier has left the country and every militia has been
>disbanded and disarmed
>We appeal to you to act now to prevent further genocide, human suffering
>and destruction in East Timor.
>Yours hopefully
>Andrew Alcock
>Information Officer
>on behalf of
>the Committee of the Campaign for an Independent East Timor SA Inc
>Phone:  61 8 83710480 (home)            61 8 82053259 (work)
>Pager:  61 8 84157467
>Facsimile:      61 8 82236509
>Email:  [log in to unmask]
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