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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List
Sat, 17 Jan 1998 10:07:55 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (185 lines)
For those that are struggeling to get
work done using windows, here's some
insight on the company and its culture.


from the New York Times

      January 17, 1998

Besieged Microsoft Is Humbled and Jittery


     R EDMOND, Wash. -- On the campus where food is strictly fuel for
     another lap around the digital track and a mere eight-hour day is
     considered slacking off, the Microsoft corporate flag flies as high
     as ever in a wintry gale. Surrender is not an option.

     But there is a clear sense, both inside Microsoft and in the region
     that takes such pride in having spawned a company where perhaps 1
     in 5 employees are millionaires, that the world's most powerful
     software corporation has lost some of its swagger.

     Employees arrive at work after hearing themselves compared to a
     tobacco company or a 19th century trust on the evening news. Many
     say they are tired of having their integrity questioned every day,
     by the Justice Department, software rivals or neighbors.

     The computer screen is no escape. More than 100 Web sites devoted
     to Microsoft hatred cast the company as the Evil Empire and
     Microsoft chairman Bill Gates as the devil, or much worse.

     The ever-flashing stock price, a carrot for tough days, has been
     stagnant for months and is currently down 10 percent from its
     52-week high, closing Friday at 135 1/4, well behind the breakneck
     growth that inspired dreams of working five years and then retiring
     for life.

     "What a lot of people are feeling now is this huge backlash," said
     Rick Segal, a former department head who left Microsoft last year.
     "A lot of my friends in the company are wondering if it's all worth
     it. I mean, how did Microsoft become more hated than the

     Prospective employees still flock to Microsoft, a company
     consistently rated among the most admired in America. Its products
     have many supporters. And its operating system is still used in
     more than 85 percent of personal computers worldwide.

     But the long antitrust fight with the Justice Department,
     highlighted most recently by an embarrassing series of legal and
     public relations setbacks, has taken its toll.

     Microsoft has always had passionate enemies within the computer
     software industry, critics who say the company is predatory and
     ruthless in crushing all rivals. With the recent legal clash,
     Microsoft has come under fire from the secular world as well, as
     people in Redmond sometimes refer to the nondigital.

     "A few months ago, everyone I met seemed to think that working for
     Microsoft was a pretty cool thing to do," columnist Jacob Weisberg
     wrote in a recent posting of Slate, Microsoft's online magazine of
     public affairs. "Now strangers treat us like we work for Philip

     His column was in the form of a political memorandum to Microsoft
     management, echoing a commonly-heard complaint that however
     brilliant the company is in the software business, it is a hayseed
     in the realm of big-time legal, political and public relations.

     Last week, corporate leaders of Microsoft -- people who used to
     compare themselves to Samurai warriors -- apologized for the
     company's behavior in its dealings with the government, and said
     even Microsoft's own best customers were saying the company seemed

     This week, more hearings before Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson of
     U.S. District Court in the nation's capital, increased the
     likelihood that Microsoft would be held in contempt for violating
     the judge's order to stop forcing computer makers to install the
     company's Internet Explorer with its Windows 95 software.

     The courtroom tactics, blunders, and air of defiance have provided
     much more than drinking-fountain fodder in the Seattle area, where
     the enormous wealth created by Microsoft has transformed the

     "I don't think there's a person in this area who either doesn't own
     a piece of Microsoft stock or doesn't know somebody who works
     there," said Tina Podlodowski, a Seattle City Council member, who
     left Microsoft in 1992, after six years at the company. "So at some
     point what's happening with the Justice Department starts to hurt
     the entire Pacific Northwest."

     Of course, there are plenty of Microsoft critics within the Redmond
     area code as well. But, with charities, museums, home prices and
     the regional niche in popular culture tied to the software giant,
     hometown bias prevails. There is considerable concern that the ride
     may be over.

     "I went to a dinner party recently with a lot of Seattle people,
     none of whom worked at Microsoft, but what was so striking was how
     totally loyal they were to Microsoft," said Michael Kinsley,
     Slate's editor. "They all felt that there was an effort by the
     government to get the company."

     Last Oct. 31, on Halloween, just days after the government filed
     suit in which it accused Microsoft of violating a consent decree,
     Kinsley wore a Justice Department baseball cap to the campus. "I
     wore it because it was the scariest thing I could think of,"
     Kinsley said. "Some people were not amused."

     Microsoft has long felt like it is under siege because it is so
     dominant in the software world, and has produced so much wealth,
     company officials say. But what has changed of late is that some of
     the envy, criticism and concern is now coming from loyal customers;
     more than anything that has caused some quaking at Microsoft
     headquarters in Redmond, where more than 12,000 people work for the

     "We don't want our customers to see us as unnecessarily strident,"
     said Greg Shaw, a Microsoft spokesman. "This is a company that
     respects justice and the courts, and respects capitalism."

     Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's second in command, the executive vice
     president, long known for his scorched-earth attitude toward
     critics and competitors, last week presented a newly humble
     corporate face. He said e-mail and focus groups conducted by
     Microsoft indicated that people with no axes to grind were angry at
     the company.

     Gone, for the moment, are fire-breathing comments like the one
     Ballmer made last year about the Justice Department, when he said,
     "To heck with Janet Reno," the attorney general.

     The company has gone so far as to issue an apology, with Robert
     Herbold, the chief operating officer, saying, "We're sorry if we
     have made any statements that would suggest we do anything but
     respect" the Justice Department.

     It is a long way from remarks just a few weeks earlier, in which
     Microsoft said Justice Department lawyers were "totally uninformed"
     about how software works. They also said they could package
     anything, "even a ham sandwich" with their operating system if they
     wanted to.

     The change in tactics shows that many Microsoft officials realize
     suddenly that the company may be in serious trouble, and -- in
     their worst-case fear -- could even be broken apart by the Justice

     "It's always been part of the corporate culture there to write the
     strongest e-mail, to scream the loudest," said Posy Gering, a
     Seattle computer consultant. "They love having an enemy. But now,
     enough people are telling them they haven't got a clue what they're
     up against."

     Microsoft's insularity, its focus on hiring stereotypical nerds
     without an outside life, is what has come back to haunt it, some
     people here say. "Microsoft has never put any effort into figuring
     out how to schmooze with people," Ms. Podlowdowski said. "They
     simply don't understand why people don't see things the way they
     see things. So I guess they're suffering now for being
     intellectually arrogant and socially inept."

     Part of the problem, said Bruce Jacobsen, a former Microsoft
     official, is that most Microsoft officials have never worked
     anywhere else -- perhaps because of the lure of the company's stock

     Segal, the former Microsoft department chief, painted a picture of
     tightly-wound company, despite its reputation for casual dress and
     slacker-generation slang.

     "When you first go to work there, everyone feels like they're being
     watched by the smart police," he said. "It's a very telling sign of
     their culture, of not respecting the outside world."

     He added: "We in America love to root for the underdog. We hate
     arrogance. Now, excuse me, but if Microsoft is now hated more than
     the government, what's the message? And do they get it?"

                 Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company