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Bill Wilcox <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Nov 1997 17:19:58 -0500
text/plain (60 lines)
Mary wrote:
> Dear Ed,
> Yesterday I was talking with my next door neighbor over the fence. I
> delicately brought up the subject of spraying. He has a commercial service
> come in and hose in toxins for 20 minutes all over his yard. Last time they
> came (about a month ago)  I had my music on loud in my house and did not
> hear the drone of the poisons being pumped. My autistic son was playing out
> on the front patio, near the neighbor's yard. By the time I saw the big
> truck, it was too late. Also, all my windows were open.
> For the next day, I had a weird "buzz" in my head that would not go away. My
> autistic son laughed uncontrollably for a couple of days.
> So anyway, I very delicately asked him if he could let me know in advance
> next time they came. I asked how often they come and he said, oh about every
> 3 months. I sighed with relief, thinking I had a respite of 2 more months at
> least.
> NOT EVEN 20 MINUTES LATER, he came to my front door with the yard sprayer
> and said nicely, I have asked the sprayer to come back next week so that you
> can have advance notice, how about that?
> Can you imagine, so they are coming EVERY MONTH and spraying these poisons
> all over his large (half acre) yard!!
> I wish this spraying would stop.
> Any ideas from the list? He said he is spraying to get rid of fleas on his
> dogs. I use "Program" on my cat, she eats it and it gets rid of fleas.
> The point is, our world is more toxic than ever, our kids are ending up with
> diagnoses of autism, ADD, ADHD, etc.
> I believe it is more important than ever to adhere to the paleo diet to help
> maintain our battered immune systems in a toxic world.
> BTW, does anyone have any postive thoughts? I am trying to think positive
> but get very depressed about toxins.
> Moira
> ps These sprays nuke all the insects in my yard as well, even though they
> are supposedly spraying only his yard. I am also a cancer patient and leery
> of toxins.

Sorry but there is probably nothing that you can do to keep your
neighbor from spraying his yard.  The stress that you incur from being
paranoid about these 'toxins' is probably as bad for you as the toxins
themselves.  I've been exposed to these lawn chemicals on several
occasions and have never gotten a buzz.  Perhaps this was a placebo type
effect.  The thought of these chemicals being breathed caused you to get
this buzz.  The only way to get away from the problem that you face is
to move.  Perhaps find a place out in the country where your neighbors
ar 1/4 mile away.  It's much more quiet and there is more for the kids
to do.
Oh, what about the toxins that you are feeding your cat?  If "Program"
is poisonous to fleas isn't this a toxin that you are feeding your cat?