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Dave Hartley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 14:28:57 -0000
text/plain (426 lines)
Hi Komboa, All !

By your one line condemnation, you appear to be denying that any of the points I mention have any importance, and that the only thing of value is your political agenda, or at best YOUR feelings, (mine be damned). This elegantly and simply illustrates the inhumanity of a purely political "persons are unimportant" "only my philosophy and the suffering of such individuals as I choose to use to support it count" viewpoint.

If "the problem" is anyone who doesn't toe your party line, you have a very large problem indeed.

If you eventually find your way into the wisdom that attempting to right wrongs you attribute to racism by utilizing rhetoric of racial hatred is incongruous in the extreme, and succeeds most dramatically in polarizing potentially sympathetic reasonable just and intelligent WHITE (and maybe other, I don't know....) men and women against such hatemongering, then you may be able to place your considerable talent and connections in the service of your cause with MUCH GREATER effectiveness.

Working toward harmony between all men is definitively and clearly the only way to reduce and eventually eliminate racially motivated intolerance and injustice. Your choice to focus only upon the injustice, while flaunting your intolerance, will never move in the direction of harmony, and it saddens me to see the passion and drive of an individual or a movement trapped in the vision or dynamics that the color of a man's skin is "the problem."

Aloha,   Dave.          Think for Yourself.             Question Authority
~               Globalize Consciousness         Localize Economies
"Computer Dave" Hartley   (808) 879-7997 email:  [log in to unmask] 
Interests: Computer/Telephony Integration, Windows NT, Web Publishing, 
~~  Alternative Medicine  ~~   ~~

-----Original Message-----
From:   [log in to unmask] [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Tuesday, August 12, 1997 12:30 PM
To:     Recipients of conference
Subject:        Re: Racism -- corporate tool? (long)

From: x342398 <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Racism -- corporate tool? (long)


You are part of the problem, not part of the solution. 


On 9 Aug 1997
[log in to unmask] wrote:

> From: Dave Hartley <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: RE: Racism -- corporate tool? (long)
> ------ =_NextPart_000_01BCA485.CC840120
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Thank you Lorenzo Komboa Ervin,=20
> For your comments on institutionalized racism.
> I shall continue to think on this, and I hope that there may be seen to =
> be some value in considering racism from the angle from which I have =
> addressed it as well.
> While I do see effects of racial inequality in the workplace, it is the =
> concept of racism springing from the heart of the white man or growing =
> into existence solely through the inexorable and unassailable causation =
> of recent history, corporations or modern social structure which I must =
> take issue with.
> It was my intention to share some personal observation, as I have =
> experienced at first hand the effects of racism directed against me, in =
> growing up / living in areas in which I (white man) was a minority, at =
> the hands of young persons of color innocent of many influences beyond =
> parental who treated me with personal hatred based upon their personal =
> racist feelings ..... these persons who were my personal oppressors and =
> daily tormenters, proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that racism =
> exists as a PERSONAL feeling, and that the knife of hatred cuts with no =
> special regard for color.
> It was  very clearly and easily discerned that these persons, being too =
> young to have formed these attitudes due to a life of abuse / oppression =
> at the hands of the white man, were brought up to hold racist attitudes, =
> taught these attitudes by their parents. I have even witnessed =
> personally the parent of one child encouraging him to commit violence =
> against me and using racially demeaning language. I doubt that there is =
> anyone here who could in all honesty deny that s/he has seen this =
> teaching of racist attitudes in action.
> I have, as I know you realize, little experience with racial =
> activism..... I grew up in the 60's, my parents were intellectually and =
> emotionally supportive of the civil rights movement, I had very close =
> friends as a child who were black and other races whose parents were not =
> racist, then again I have had a lot of experience both as a child and an =
> adult with people of all colors whose parents passed on racist =
> attitudes, mindsets and emotions, people who to the best of my ability =
> to understand are racists.
> Men have enslaved and oppressed other men for all of known history. =
> There was slavery of blacks by blacks in Africa,  Native American =
> inter-tribal slavery existed, I don't know about many other aboriginal =
> cultures........ it is not a white invention. It is not race specific. =
> At some point the past must be the past. I have never enslaved anyone, =
> nor has my father nor my father's father.
> None of this is intended to mean that I believe racially motivated =
> oppression is right, QUITE the opposite.....=20
> Or to demean the efforts of those who dedicate their lives to pointing =
> out the injustice of racism applied on a large scale.=20
> I am simply trying to provide some broader view of the human state of =
> consciousness and appeal for an end to racial hatred.
> You are entirely correct in stating that my observations are coming from =
> a "touchy-feely" or, in my vernacular a new-age spiritual "holistic" =
> viewpoint..... I see the value of activism, but I also see what I =
> believe to be a "big picture" which includes the (to me) self evident =
> truth that one cannot successfully wage war against hatred (for racial =
> or any other reason) with hatred, the only possible outcome of h this. It is really a "touchy-feely" kind of
> thing this comrade is talking about. He apparently doesn't understand
> the real workings of racism at all. That is really not surprising, most
> whites, even activists, are not really that sensitized to it at all.=20
> Racism, or more precisely white supremacy, was not created by "corporate
> capitalism" just to "divide the working class" in the industrial age.
> This is false, but. i have heard this Leftist mythology time and time
> again. But the truth is that long before the creation of any
> "corporate capitalism", there was African slavery, genocide against the
> Indian peoples, manifest destiny and the theft of Texas and the =
> Southwest,
> and other terroristic crimes in the creation of the American state and
> industrial capitalism. This white supremacy/colonialism is the pedestal
> for capitalist industrial development, not just its inevitable result.
> The reality is that the capitalists have historically used White workers
> against peoples of color. Now this has not been totally without =
> exception,
> certainly the old IWW deserved respect for its efforts, even though I =
> have
> reservations of them as well.
>  The fact is that general labor opportunism, in the form
> of class collaborationism by white workers, meant they have acted for
> years in opposition to the gains, equality and human rights of workers =
> of
> color. Read "Foner's Black Workers and Organized Labor". This is why
> Black were run out of the mine industry and Chinese off the railroads=20
> in the West.
> Until substantial numbers of Blacks and other non-whites came into the
> unions during andafter the 1960's, they acted as mere white job trusts. =
> Blacks did the
> shit work and dangerous jobs, and were last hired and fired fired. =
> History
> records few examples of white labor fighting to provent or protest this.
> That is why most movements against racism have not been labor based, but
> in the Black community itself. We have yet to see the labor movement
> become a full partner in the 1960's civil rights movement or any
> contemporary  movement against racism and corporate attacks
> on this superexploited sector of the American working class. They are
> too busy doing what you're doing, pretending that racism does not exist
> or if it does, it ain't hurting nobody. This is not about how white
> people feel about racism, it is about all the insitutions of capitalist
> society being arrayed against workers of color, a reserve army of labor,
> and a dual sector of the economy. One that is thoroughly debased.
> Any workers revolution which does not call for dismantling racism is one
> that workers of color cannot trust, indeed will be fighting then in one
> form or another in the future.
> All movements for social change must deal with fighting racism, that is
> the institutions which sustain it, or those movements cannot be
> seriously considered. To hide behind class reductionism or slogans like
> "we are all the same" is mere escapism, if not self-delusion in my
> opinion. History and common sense says we have to defend the rights=20
> of all workers, including those oppressed by racist socio-economic
> systems.
> Your argument is an abstentionist and conservative argument, and =
> although
> your comments were not addressed to me, the subject matter, I felt
> pertained to me and was something I was very familiar with. I am not out
> to humiliate or ridicule you, just make you realize your error here,
> educate you if you will. Thank you for allowing me.
> Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
> On 5 Aug 1997 [log in to unmask]
> wrote:
> > From: Dave Hartley <[log in to unmask]>
> >=20
> > Hi Carin, All !
> >=20
> > I guess what I'm trying to point out is that as long as your focus is =
> fight, fight, fight=20
> > against racism, you have been successfully sidetracked into agreement =
> with corporate=20
> > capitalism's goals.
> >=20
> > Racism is a highly charged and multifaceted issue. You are pointing a =
> finger at some of=20
> > the issue. I have pointed a finger at another part, that is the racism =
> learned by=20
> > children from their parents, the negative attitudes that contribute to =
> feelings of=20
> > racial disharmony, and victimization, that alienate and disempower =
> children, thereby=20
> > contributing to their buying into the idea that they can't have =
> whatever education or=20
> > "things" they want, thereby making it so.
> >=20
> > My mother taught me to read before I got to school. Any color of =
> mother can do this.=20
> > Yes, she had to work too. The parents must teach the children. My =
> parents taught me=20
> > NOT to consider race as a measure of a (wo)man. Other children, whose =
> parents=20
> > taught other ideas, taught me that being white, being interested and =
> doing well in=20
> > school made me a suitable object for hatred and punishment.
> >=20
> > My point is that racism is not merely some attack by an external =
> influence. It is a sort=20
> > of a full circle problem. It is like a fire. If you feed it, it burns. =
> It feeds on division,=20
> > hatred, and fighting. It is NOT a corporate problem / creation, =
> although it is USED to=20
> > attempt to sidetrack us from looking at the bigger picture of =
> corporate capitalism=20
> > controlling EVERY color of person AND our planet.........=20
> > As will be ANY issue that our attention can be captured by, whether it =
> is some effing=20
> > s**t on corporate media about a guy that went crazy and killed some =
> people or a "news" promotional campaign for the next NATO / US =
> intervention/ armed aggression
> > in the politics of some oil or other resource-rich exploitable =
> territory.
> >=20
> > One might say that racism is promoted by corporate capitalism. This is =
> true.=20
> > One might as easily say that fundamental Christian value structures =
> (and others) are=20
> > promoted by corporate capitalism, exhorting the work ethic and the humanity as a whole !
> > Are you going to be more worried about which ones of us are the lower =
> slaves and=20
> > which slaves are the foremen?
> >=20
> > It is my point that you can be a soldier in the corporate army, =
> getting a good=20
> > corporate education and a good corporate job, and assisting in their =
> world dominion, or=20
> > you can enlist in the army of mankind, and work toward throwing the =
> chains off of ALL=20
> > of us and our world.
> >=20
> > We must awaken as spiritual beings, take our power into our hands, =
> break the bonds of negative emotion and worship of materiality in order =
> to even begin to see the ways that corporate capital binds our spirit =
> and our planet, and then to work together for freedom, for consciousness =
> raising and spiritual enlightenment for all.
> >=20
> > Aloha,   Dave.              Think for Yourself.             Question Authority
> > ~           Globalize Consciousness         Localize Economies
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > "Computer Dave" Hartley   (808) 879-7997 email:  [log in to unmask]
> > Interests: Computer/Telephony Integration, Windows NT, Web Publishing, =
> > ~~  Alternative Medicine  ~~   ~~  =
> >=20
> >=20
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Humuhumunukunukuapua'a [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> > Sent:       Tuesday, August 05, 1997 2:17 AM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject:    RE: DTU and race
> >=20
> > Hi, I'm new here, but I just read some stuff that makes me a little
> > nervous. =20
> > For instance, the denial of personal responsibility in terms of racism =
> and
> > classism (just to name two) is one of the reasons they are so hard to
> > fight..."It's not _my_ fault, I'm not a racist."  While individuals =
> may
> > not be prejudiced, everyone who is white benefits from a racist system =
> in
> > ways that they probably can't even recognize. =20
> > Corporations use that unquestioning attitude to further their own
> > ends...If more students of color end up at technical school, then that =
> is
> > their natural disposition, and we would be fools to try to get them to =
> our
> > intellectual liberal arts institutions.  Also, as I believe someone =
> said,
> > person of color tends to equal poor, at least in America.  So yeah,
> > keeping those prices up will keep those unwelcome students of color =
> out of
> > our hair. =20
> > Not standing up to race and saying "I will not allow this to happen" =
> is
> > helping the perpetuation of the system.  Pointing out racism in all =
> its
> > evil little incarnations will not divide us, it will bring us closer
> > together.
> > Fight fight fight....
> > love,
> > Carin
> >=20
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> >  Carin Edwards-Orr               [log in to unmask]    =20
> >  135 Bates College          (207)782-7742               =20
> >  Lewiston, ME 04240-6094                                        =20
> >                                                                  =20
> >  Have you seen my wig around?  I feel naked without it....
> >=20
> >=20
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