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Robert Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 19:28:28 -0800
text/plain (140 lines)
Ilya wrote:

AGAIN!!! - this is what I was refering to when I said "things ADDED by
man".  Homogenization is a process added by man and is readily
available. If milk is made dangerous by mans actions, then use dairies
that have not been tampered with.

Robert Cohen and others have studied the effects of the hormones in
I was under an impression Robert simply read about it, not performed
studies on milk. Is that true Robert?

I feel better than almost ever in my life. If fat is bad, that's not a
reason to stop eating all dairies!

Can we get to the science, please?

Again, we all get the point that you think we should not drink it
it appears to do us harm (at least some of us). Can you tell us
something, anything, new about what it is that does us harm?

Dear Ilya,

I have written to you privately and complimented you on your wisdom in
KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING your own body.  I have rarely spoken to
anybody who is more familiar with how foods affect her internal
processes!  I am impressed by your knowledge and passion to learn more!

Milk is dangerous!  The things we do to milk make it even more
dangerous. Since whole milk is 87 percent water, one can argue the point
that milk is low on fat and high on water.  Low fat does not mean no
fat.  However, FAT in milk is not my primary concern.

When given the choice of whole milk or no fat milk I would always
recommend that one drink whole milk!  The reason is that low fat has a
higher percentage of protein.  Low fat means high protein milk.

I've got many concerns about the proteins in milk.

I'm a hippie from the late 60's, early 70's.  I just wrote a movie that
I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing, called "FOREVER REMEMBERED."  Part of that
movie is about drug use.  Drugs or pharmaceuticals are designed to
stimulate a specific behavior.  I have experienced a few drug affects in
my days...unlike Clinton, I inhaled!  Additionally, unlike Clinton, I
performed research on laboratory animnals in which I detected binding
sites for numerous drugs and hormones.  I worked with hallucinogens too
and understand a few things about brain chemistry.

However, I do not know it all and I have not personally conducted any
milk research.

Neither did the author of the World Health Organization monograph or the
National Institutes of Health paper or the two doctors who wrote the
Journal of the American Medical Association publication.

Neither did the two FDA reviewers, Judy Juskevich and Greg Guyer, who
published a review of milk hormones in the August 24, 1990 issue of the
Journal Science.  If you obtain a copy of that article (available in
mnost public libraries) I will be happy to point out all of the fraud
and mis-statements of these authors.

If you ingest a tiny amount of LSD you'll soon be with "Lucy in the sky
with diamonds."  If you take the proper combinations of estrogen and
progesterone your menstral cycle can be regulated.  If you take
adrenalin your blood pressure and pulse will increase.  If you take the
new birth control pill, prostaglandins F2 alpha, you'll instantly abort
your fetus.

Different drugs, chemicals and hormones have different effects.

Of the hundred thousand different hormones so charted in the animal
kingdom, there is only one hormone that is identical among species.

That is a growth hormone called insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1).

Most people would not take hormones.  Most people, if given the choice
to take a pill containing the most powerful growth hormone in their own
body would not take that pill.  Yet, in milk they drink it!

My biggest problem with milk is that this growth hormone survives
digestion and exerts a growth effect on our cells.  It works!

We could discuss 100 other things about milk that have been implicated
as causing problems.  However the enormous cellularity caused by IGF-I
should not be occurring in an adult human.

For you, that cellularity might never cause a cancer.  For one out of
six American women, it will!  Last year the number was one out of seven,
the year before one out of 8.  As we drink increased levels of high
protein, low fat milk, the number of American women that will get breast
cancer increases.

Man changes things.  We changed milk.  We also changed apple cider.
Compare apple juice to apple cider.  One is a dead fluid filled with
preservatives and artificial vitamins.  The other, you can nearly taste
the energy and life force.  I enjoy eating a strawberry and tasting the
essence and soul of that fruit.  I could not imagine eating boiled

Yes, we homogenize milk.  That is part of the problem.  I would much
prefer that if you were to drink milk you drink the non-homogenized
version because homogenization micronizes the liposomes (makes the fat
molecules smaller) and allows them, once they bypass digestive processes
in the stomach, to protect the protein hormones and pass through the

Man has also pasteurized milk.  Without pasteurization, the dairy
industry would have died!

Without pasteurization, you would most likely die of TB or leukemia or
meningitis or encephalitis or of one of hundreds of diseases.  Milk is
just loaded with bacteria.  It's also filled with pus and blood.  Is
that wholesome and natural?  Yes, of course it is!  For a calf!

I have performed research.  I have also read a lot!  I would compare my
knowledge in a debate with any MONSANTO scientist or FDA scientist and
be ready to cite research from peer-reviewed journals.  I have spent two
1/2 years reading and studying this issue.

Few doctors or scientists could have done more.

I would bet my life and the lives of my family that milk is poison.  For
that reason, we now use milk to a occasional summer ice
cream, some Parmesian cheese sprinkled on pasta, a once a week slice of
pizza.  Milk is a condiment and not a major part of our diets.  We do
not avoid it entirely and do admit that some of its products taste good.

However, whether you are allergic or not, those hormones work!  Drink
some of Owsley's electric cool aid acid and you'll be tripping!  Drink
milk and you'll be drinking hormones that work.

Drink genetically engineered milk and you'll be drinking increased
levels of those powerful growth hormones.

Drink wholesome milk and you're still drinking those naturally occurring

Robert Cohen