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Harry Brown <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Harry Brown <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Nov 2018 16:58:33 -0500
text/plain (500 lines)
Hi all,

For 2 months now, I've been working on an article, because of the fact 
that Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge don't have a folder for 
favorites but just have a database file.

This will finally, let people, no matter what browser they're using, 
have, once more, their favorites, also called bookmarks, available in a 
file, and they can do everything they did with Internet Explorer.

enjoy to your hearts content. While I'm using Internet Explorer for my 
browser still, when the time comes and it surely will, for me to have to 
use another browser, I'm all set to do just that!



Think You Cannot Use Any Browser Because there is not a favorites folder 
with shortcuts in it, and think you have to get rid of the internet 
because you cannot have any more favorites? Not so, there is a work around
by Harry Brown
note--This article can be coppied and spread everywhere!! I'm not in it 
for the money, I'm in it to let folks worldwide, have the same 
experience that they did, using internet explorer, but now, with *ANY* 
browser, by using a favorites file!


A couple years ago, when Microsoft came out with the Microsoft browser, 
and the folks at Google came out with Google Chrome, and the folks at 
Mozilla came out with Firefox, I thought, "great, newer faster browsers, 
can't wait to try them."
However, my joy and anticipation turned into frustration, and 
depression. The frustration was, I found out that all 3 browsers use 
what is called a database file, and that means, there are no shortcuts 
in a favorites folder, like as is, with Internet Explorer, at least at 
the time of this writing, on November 28, 2018.
Yours truly is a very, very busy man, and every second counts for me, 
Monday through Friday, because of deadlines, to get things done. I loved 
Internet Explorer, because of the fact, that as a keyboard user, I could 
open my favorites folder, and use 2 or more letter navigation, to get to 
a specific favorite in that folder. With the other 3 browsers, I have 
not been able to do that, at least with the Jaws screen reader, because 
of being blind, I need a screen reader to read my screen.
However, I know that not just blind people are frustrated about not 
having a favorites folder, with shortcuts you can click on, but sighted 
people are as well. Now I could down arrow all the way through my list 
of over 200 favorites to get to a favorite, but that takes me about 5 
minutes to do that, and with my time deadlines durring the day Monday 
through Friday, I cannot do that.
However, I was also depressed, because I thought, "My output of things 
being done will absolutely, slow me way down." I hate getting behind, 
and, being behind, in what I do.
A friend, on an email list I'm on, told me what he did. He said he made 
an html file, and showed me how to do it, but I got so confused on 
typing html code, that I gave up on that idea, but I'm just pleased he 
wanted to help.
However, thank God, an idea came to me, that is almost like his idea, 
and you don't need to know, or to use, any html code. You can do this, 
just using Word Pad! That's right, just Word Pad, and with just this 
favorites file, (also called bookmarks file, but in this article, I will 
call it favorites file), you can:
1. Put all of your favorites that you currently have, into the favorites 
2. Click on links to favorites in that file.
3. Add a new favorite any time to the end of that file.
4. Delete any favorite from that file.
5. Insert a new favorite into the file where it should be in the Alphabet.
6. Change the name of any favorite.
So, this is how to first create the favorites file:
step 1. Launch Word Pad.
step 2. Type the name of the file, I just called mine, favorites.
step 3. Now, press enter, to go to the next line in the file, and now, 
the fun begins, and it really is fun, it was for me at least, since I 
knew that I could now have my favorites back, the way I wanted them!
note--For this article, I'm using Internet Explorer, where my favorites 
have been.
note--If this article is way too wordy, when talking about what keys to 
press and when, I'm assuming that there are people out there who have 
never used a computer before, and they're just starting out, and they 
want to be able to still have their favorites like Internet Explorer, 
but they don't know what keys to press, and, when to press other keys as 

section 1. putting all your favorites that you currently have, into yor 
favorites file

step 1. Launch your browser.
step 2. Now, go to the first favorite that you have, but don't open it.
step 3. Now, press the f2 key and you'll be in the text for the name of 
the first favorite.
step 4. Now, press the home key on the 6 pack of keys, because we want 
to be at the beginning of the name of the favorite. If you're not sure 
if you are at the beginning of the name, use your right arrow key 1 
time, and use the left arrow key to go to the beginning of the name.
step 5. Now, we're going to select the full name of the favorite by 
pressing the shift key and while we're holding that key down press the 
end key, which is one of the keys on the 6 pack of keys.
step 6. Now, press the control key and while we're holding that key 
down, press the letter c to copy the favorite name to the clipboard.
step 7. Now, we're going to press the escape key, to get back into the 
list of favorites.
step 8. Now, we're going to press the alt key and while holding that key 
down press the tab key because we want to go back into the Word Pad 
window where the favorites file is.
step 9. Now, we're going to paste in the name of our 1st favorite into 
the file, by pressing the control key and while holding that key down 
we're going to press the letter v, and you should now see the name of 
the first favorite. If you're a blind user, press down arrow, and it 
will read you the name of the first favorite.
step 10. Now, press the enter key 1 time, to be on the next line of the 
favorites file.
step 11. Now, we're going to press the alt key and while holding that 
key down press the tab key, to go back into the browser, and you should 
be again able to see the name of the first favorite. If you're a blind 
user, and you're not sure, just use your down arrow key 1 time, then use 
your up arrow key 1 time, till it says the name of that first favorite.
step 12. Now, we're going to press enter to load the web page of that 
step 13. Now, after that web page is fully loaded, we're going to press 
the alt key and while holding that key down press the letter d because 
we want the address of this web page, because that is what is going to 
be the link for the favorite.
step 14. Now, we want to make sure we're at the beginning of the web 
page address, so press the home key on the 6 pack of keys. If you're a 
blind user, and you're not sure if you're at the beginning of the web 
page address, use your right arrow key 1 time, then your left arrow key 
till you get to the beginning of the name of the web page.
step 15. Now, we're going to copy the address for the web page to the 
clipboard, by pressing  the control key and while holding that key down 
press the letter c.
step 16. Now, we're going to press for me, it is the f6 key, because we 
want to get out of the address bar, and get back to the actual web page.
step 17. Now, press the alt key and while holding that key down press 
the f4 key, and you should be back in the list of favorites.
step 18. Now, press the alt key and while holding that key down press 
the tab key, to go back into the favorites file, window.
step 19. Now, we're going to make sure we are on that blank line, where 
we can paste in the link address to that web page, and we'll do that by 
pressing up arrow 1 time, then pressing down arrow 1 time, and you 
should be on the blank line.
step 20. Now, we're going to paste in the link to our 1st favorite, by 
pressing the control key and while holding that key down press the letter v.
step 21. Now, we're going to make sure the link is there by pressing the 
up arrow key 1 time, then the down arrow key 1 time, and you should be 
on the link to your first favorite.
step 22. Now, we're ready to do the next favorite, so, if you're on the 
link to the first favorite, and you can make sure you're on it, by 
pressing down arrow 2 times, and if it reads the same thing after the 
2nd time you press down arrow, you are on the place where you need to be.
step 23. Now, press the end key, on the 6 pack of keys, to make sure 
you're at the end of the address for that web page.
step 24. Now, press enter, to go to the next line in the file, where we 
are going to put the 2nd favorite.
step 25. Now, we're going to press the alt key and while holding that 
key down press the tab key, to go back to the window with our list of 
favorites. If you're not sure that you are on the next favorite, just 
press the up arrow 1 time, then, press down arrow till you are on the 
2nd favorite.
step 26. Now, continue the process of adding more favorites to the 
favorites file by going back to step 3 in this section, then do steps 3 
through 25, and keep doing these steps until you have your entire list 
of favorites in the favorites file.
step 27. After you're done putting favorites in the favorites file, and 
press the alt key and while holding that key down press the f4 key to 
close the favorites file, and word pad will ask you if you want to save 
changes to document, and there is a yes button, and you do, so press enter.
step 28. Now you are placed in a text field, and the cursor should be at 
the end of the document title that word pad usually gives a file, which 
is document.rtf
We want to rename this file, so use your left arrow key to go back to 
the period.
step 29. Now, press the backspace key and erase the word, document.
step 30. Now, type the word favorites
step 31. Now, press the tab key till you're on the save button, and 
press enter, and the favorites file is saved, but we're not done yet.
step 32. Now, we want to put this favorites.rtf file on the desktop so 
we can get to it easily, so go into your documents folder.
step 33. Now, press the letters fav
and it should go right to the favorites file. If not, down arrow to it.
step 34. Now, we're not going to open the favorites file, but instead, 
press the shift key and while holding that key down press the f10 key to 
get into the menu.
step 35. Now, press down arrow till you find send to submenu, and press 
the right arrow key to open it.
step 36. Now, press down arrow until you find desktop create shortcut.
step 37. Now, press enter and you have now put a shortcut to the 
favorites file on your desktop.
step 38. Now, go back to the desktop.
step 39. Now, find the favorites file shortcut, but don't open it.
step 40. Now, press f2 because we're going to make 1 change to the title 
of this favorites shortcut.
step 41. Now, press the end key and you should be at the end of the 
title of the shortcut.
step 42. Now, press the backspace key until you have erased the word 
shortcut and the dash and the space before the dash and press enter.
Now, you're back on the desktop, and it says favorites! But we're still 
not done, we have to do 1 more very important thing, and that is? Backup 
the favorites file so we don't lose it if something happens to the 
computer, so we'll do that now.
step 43. Now, go to the documents folder.
step 44. Now, press enter to open it.
step 45. Now, find the favorites file, but don't open it.
step 46. Now, we're going to copy the file to the clipboard by pressing 
the control key and while holding that key down press the letter c
step 47. Now, find your external hard drive, or your thumb drive, or 
wherever you back things up and press enter to open it.
step 48. Now, paste in the favorites file to that drive by pressing the 
control key and while holding that key down press the letter v
Now, you've backed up your favorites file, so you won't lose it if 
something happens to your computer!

section 2. clicking on a favorite

Since you now have your favorites all in this favorites file, let's try 
to click on a favorite, and here's how to do that:
step 1. Open the favorites file.
step 2. press the control key and while you're holding that key down 
press the letter f for find.
step 3. Now, we'll use multiple letter navigation, so type the first 2, 
3, or 4, letters of a favorite.
step 4. Now, press enter, and you will be on the name of the favorite.
step 5. Now, down arrow to the link for that favorite.
step 6. Now, press the home key on the 6 pack of keys.
step 7. Then, press the left arrow key 1 time, then press the right 
arrow key 1 time, and you should be on the first letter of the link, 
which is h.
step 8. Now, press the right arrow key till you get past the http://, or 
the https:// then press enter, and you should get asked, (I did from 
word pad,) whether you want to open this link, and you do, so press the 
enter key on yes button, and there you go, your specific favorite has 
been opened!
However, what if, the web page address for the favorite, or bookmark, is 
too long, and there is no link to click on, what do you do then?
Here's how to be able to get on those favorites or bookmarks:
step 1. Find a favorite you could not click on.
step 2. Now, down arrow to where the http starts.
step 3. Now, press the home key which is in the 6 pack of keys to make 
sure you are at the beginning of the web page address for the link and 
your cursor should be on the h where the http starts.
step 4. to make sure you're there, press the left arrow key 1 time, then 
press the right arrow key 1 time, and you should be on the h.
step 5. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the shift key and while you're holding that key down press 
the right arrow key as many times as you need to, to select all of the 
address for the web page you want to go to, and keep selecting until 
there's a blank, and you'll see it, or, if you're blind, your screen 
reader says the word blank, and when you see that blank, continue to 
hold the shift key and the control key down, and press the left arrow 
key 1 time to unselect the blank.
step 6. Now, let go of the shift key and press the control key and the 
letter c to copy the web page address for that favorite to the clipboard.
step 7. Now, launch your browser of choice.
step 8. Now, press the control key and while holding that key down press 
the letter v to paste into the browsers address bar the web page address 
for the favorite.
step 9. Now, press the enter key and the web page for that favorite or 
bookmark should load.
That's how you do it, if you cannot click on the link to a favorite in 
your favorites file.

section 3. How to add a new favorite to the file?

step 1. Open the favorites file.
step 2. Now, start your browser of choice.
step 3. Now, type a web site you want to go to, and press enter. For 
example, I'm going to use
step 4. After the web page has loaded, press the control key and while 
you're holding that key down press the home key to go to the top of the 
web page. We want to do this, because we want to see what the web page 
title is.
step 5. Now, press the home key, to make sure we are at the beginning of 
the title of the web page. If you're not sure if you are at the 
beginning of the title, press the right arrow key 1 time, then press the 
left arrow key, 2 times, and you should be at the beginning of the web 
page title.
step 6. Now, we're going to press the shift key and while we're holding 
that key down we're going to press the end key, which will select the 
text of the title of the web page.
step 7. Now, we will copy the web page title to the clipboard by 
pressing  the control key and while holding that key down we'll press 
the letter c.
step 8. Now, we're going to press the alt key and the tab key, to go 
back into the favorites file.
step 9. Now, we want to add this favorite to the favorites file, so I 
will press the control key and while holding that key down I'll press 
the home key, which takes me to the bottom of the favorites file, and 
the last link I pasted into the favorites file. Just to be sure, I'll 
press the down arrow key, and I'll hear or sea the link address for the 
web page.
step 10. Now, we want to go to the end of the line that link address for 
the web page is, so press the end key. If you're not sure if you're at 
the end of the line for that link to the web page address, just press 
the left arrow key 1 time, then, press the right arrow key 1 time and 
you should be on a blank space.
step 11. Now, we want to go to the next line of the favorites file, so 
press enter and it will do that.
step 12. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the letter v to paste in the title for the favorite.
step 13, Now, press the alt key and while you're holding that key down 
press the tab key to go back to the web page.
step 14. Now, press the alt key and while you're holding that key down 
press the letter d and the web page address for the favorite appears.
step 15. Now, press the home key to go to the beginning of the web page 
step 16. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the letter c to copy the web page address for the favorite to 
the clipboard.
step 17. Now, press the alt key and while you're holding that key down 
press the tab key to go back to the web page.
step 18. Now, press the f6 key to get out of the web page address.
step 19. Now, press the alt key and while you're holding that key down 
press the tab key to go back into the favorites file.
step 20. Now, press down arrow, and you should be on the line that says 
the web page title.
step 21. Now, press the end key to be at the end of the line of the 
title of the web page favorite.
step 22. Now, press enter to go to the next line of the favorites file.
step 23. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the letter v to paste in the link for the new favorite.
step 24. Now, press the alt key and while you're holding that key down 
press the f4 key, to close the favorites file, and word pad will ask you 
if you want to save it, and it will say save button and you press the 
space bar or the enter key. Now, you're new favorite has been added to 
the favorites file!

section 4. Deleting a favorite from the favorites file

In this section, I'm going to talk about how to delete a favorite, 
(bookmark), from the file. When I did my own favorites file, there were 
24 favorites that no longer existed when I checked them out. So, here's 
how to delete a favorite from your file:
step 1. Open the file.
step 2. Find a favorite you want to delete by pressing the control key 
and while you're holding that key down press the letter f for find.
step 3. Now, type the first letter, 2 letters, or 3 letters of the name 
of the favorite.
step 4. Now, press enter and you should be at the favorite name.
step 5. Now, press the home key.
step 6. Now, press the left arrow key 1 time, and then press the right 
arrow key 1 time and you should be on the name of the favorite.
step 7. Now, press the shift key and while you're holding that key down, 
press the down arrow key and you will be selecting the name of the 
favorite, and also the link of the favorite. You will know when you're 
done selecting lines when you see or when you hear the name of the next 
favorite, and if you do hear the name of the next favorite, just press 
the up arrow key wile you are holding down that shift key, and it will 
unselect the name of the next favorite.
step 8. Now, press the delete key and the favorite you wanted to delete 
from the file is now deleted!

section 5. Insert a new favorite into the file where it should be in the 

In section 3, we added a favorite to the file, at the end of the file, 
but if you wanted to add a favorite to the file, but what if you want it 
to be alphabetically correct, meaning, where it should be in the 
alphabet? Well, I have great news, you can do that, I do it all the 
time, and here's how to do it:
step 1. Launch your browser of choice, for this example, I'll use 
Internet Explorer.
step 2. Now, type in a web page.
step 3. Now, press enter to go to that page.
step 4. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the home key, to go to the top of the web page, because that 
is where the title of the web page is.
step 5. Now, press the control key, and you'll be at the beginning of 
the web page title. If you're not sure if you're at the beginning of the 
web page title, press the left arrow key, and if you see or hear the 
first character of the web page title twice, then you are indeed, at the 
beginning of the web page title.
step 6. Now, press the shift key and while you're holding that key down 
press the end key, and you will have selected the title of the web page.
step 7. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the letter c to copy the web page title to the clipboard.
step 8. Now, open the favorites file.
step 9. Now, we want to go to the place in the alphabet where we can 
insert the new favorite , so, you press the control key and while you're 
holding that key down press the letter f for find.
step 10. Now, we want to type the first 2 or 3 letters of a favorite 
that's already in the file where the first letter is the letter we want 
to go to in the alphabet. For example, the new favorite I want to insert 
starts with l, so I will type the letters lib because I already have a 
favorite in the letter l that says library.
step 11. Now, press the enter key and there I am and it says library.
note--If you have more than 1 occurance of a favorite that  has the 
first 2 or 3 letters but it's before the first letter where you want to 
go to, press the f3 key till you find the favorite with the first 2 or 3 
letters in the file where you want to be. For example, when I pressed 
enter the word library already is in one of my favorites under the 
letter c, so, I had to press the f3 key 1 more time, and it took me to 
the favorite that says the word library.
step 12. Now, press the down arrow key till you find the place in the 
file where you want to insert the new favorite name. For example, I had 
to press down arrow a few times till I found the favorite that starts 
with the letters lon, because the new favorite I want to insert has the 
title of local and regional weather.
step 13. Now, to be sure you're on the correct line in the favorites 
file, press the up arrow key 1 time, and it should say the link to the 
last favorite before where you are now.
step 14. Now, press the down arrow key 1 time, and you should be back on 
the line where you are going to insert the new favorite title.
step 15. Now, press the home key and you should be at the beginning of 
the line where you want to insert the new favorite title. If you're not 
sure, press the left arrow key 1 time, then press the right arrow key 
and you should be on the first letter of the favorite that's already there.
step 16. Now, press the enter key 2 times because we are going to insert 
2 blank lines, right here, to put our new favorite title and the address 
for the web page for our new favorite.
step 17. Now, press the up arrow key 2 times, so we can be at the place 
in the file to paste in our new favorites title.
step 18. Now, Press the control key and while you're holding down that 
key press the letter v to paste in the new favorite title.
step 19. Now, press the up arrow key and you should see or hear the 
first line of the name of your new favorite.
step 20. Now, press the down arrow key to go down to the blank line 
where we want to put in the web page address for this new favorite.
step 21. Now, press the alt key and while you're holding that key down 
press the tab key to go back to your web page in your browser.
step 22. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the letter d which will put you in the address bar, where the 
web page address is for your new favorite.
step 23. Now, press the home key to take you to the first character of 
the web page address. If you're not sure if you're at the first 
character of the web page address of the new favorite, press the home 
key 1 time and then press the left arrow key 2 times just to make sure 
you're at the beginning of the web page address.
step 24. Now, press the shift key and while you're holding down that key 
press the end key and now yu have selected the web page address of your 
new favorite.
step 25. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the letter c to copy the web page address to the clipboard.
step 26. Now, press the alt key and while you're holding that key down 
press the tab key, to go back into the window that has your favorites file.
step 27. Now, let's make sure we are on the blank line to paste in the 
web page address for our new favorite, so press the up arrow key 1 time.
step 28. Now, press the down arrow key 1 time and you should be on the 
blank line.
step 29. Now, press the control key and while you're holding that key 
down press the letter v to paste in the address for the web page of your 
new favorite.
You have now just inserted a new favorite into the favorites file, right 
where it needs to be in the alphabet!

section 6. Change the name of any favorite

Most of the time, people save a favorite, and don't change the name of 
it. But what if you want to do that? You can do that, in your favorites 
file, and here's how:
step 1. Open the favorites file.
step 2. Press the control key and while you're holding that key down 
press the letter f  for find command.
step 3. Type the first 2 or 3 characters of the file name so you can 
find it.
step 3. Now, press enter and you should be on the line where the name of 
the favorite is.
step 4. Now, press the escape key, and you should be out of the find 
dialogue box, and on the line of the favorite name.
step 5. If you're not sure, press the up arrow key 1 time.
step 6. Now, press the down arrow key 1 time, and you'll be on the line 
of the favorite name.
step 7. Now, we're going to make sure we are at the beginning of the 
favorite name by pressing the home key.
step 8. Now, press the left arrow key 1 time.
step 9. Now, press the right arrow key 1 time and you will be on the 
first character of the favorite name.
step 10. Now, you can press the shift key and wile you're holding that 
key down press the end key
step 11. Then press the delete key and the whole line is deleted .
step 12. then, you can type the new name of the favorite.
note--If your favorite name is 2 or more lines of text, press the shift 
key and while you're holding that key down press the down arrow key and 
you can delete more than 1 line of the favorite name. Then, you can type 
the new name of the favorite.
note--If you just want to change a few words in the favorite name, press 
the control key, and while you're holding that key down, press the shift 
key, and while you're holding that key down, press the right arrow key 
and continue pressing the right arrow key to select as many words of the 
favorite name as you want to delete.
step 13. then press the delete key and those words you selected are 
deleted. For this example, I'm on a favorite name that says all news and 
I want to get rid of the 1st word in the name of the favorite, so, I'll 
press control shift right arrow 1 time and press the delete key and the 
word all is deleted and I'm on the letter n for the word news.
step 14. Now, when you're done renaming the favorite, press the alt key 
and while you're holding that key down press the f4 key to close the 
favorites file, and it will ask you if you want to save it, and you do, 
and it  says save button, and press space bar or enter and the favorites 
file has been saved, with the favorite renamed!

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