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Mike Pietruk <[log in to unmask]>
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Mike Pietruk <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Dec 2016 11:53:39 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (33 lines)
G (and all)

Good explanation!  However, the end result is that 3rd party screen reader 
developers will ultimately be driven out of business as the new pricing 
model simply is unsustainable as a business.
The only reason JFW and WE were able to survive as long as they did was 
because government buyers were simply not price sensitive.
This is similar to Trump's comments on the cost of military planes and Air 
Force I.
The government over the years on all levels has been notorious in how much 
it overpays for many many things; and we, the taxpayers, ultimately get 
screwed in all this.

BTW, this pricing model for specialized software with a limited customer 
base extends beyond the blind world.  My wife buys sewing and quilting 
software, and its pricing is very similar to that for JFW and WE.
R&D plus customer support costs money; and if we become dependent on MSFT, 
as an example, the support and development level will decrease immensely.,

Think of doing something for someone you need absolutely nothing from.
Gary Kaltbaum, Host of the daily "investors Edge" radio show

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