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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Oct 2015 17:43:05 -0400
text/plain (38 lines)
And, I'll add my shameless plea for contacts to Steve's post.

As I think many of you know, I grew up in Pennsylvania, and got my first ham
ticket there back in 1969.  So, the Pennsylvania QSO Party has some real
sentimental meaning to me.  I will be doing the contest from out here in
Michigan.  I hope 40 meters is in good shape out here, but that will remain
to be seen.  Last year, I made 278 contacts, and got 65 out of the 67
Pennsylvania counties.  Would like to get a county sweep this year, but that
remains to be seen.  So, if you are in Pennsylvania, and happen to find me
calling CQ, please give me a contact.  I'll be doing mainly SSB, but will
run some CW as well when SSB seems to slow down.

Tom Behler: KB8TYJ

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Steve Forst
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 12:34 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Shameless plea for contacts

Second weekend of October means the Pennsylvania QSO Party has arrived
again.  I hope to put in a good effort this weekend, although the
propagation gods will have something to say about it.

Plan to be on all bands 160 through 6 meters (or at least as high as the
bands are open), SSB, CW, and a bit of RTTY.

Work as many PA stations as you can hear.  All we need is a consecutive
serial number starting with 001 and your ARRL/RAC section.

Time: 1600 utc Saturday to 0500 utc Sunday, and 1300  to 2200 utc Sunday.

Even if you aren't into contesting, stop and say hello if you hear me.

73, Steve KW3A