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Jim Gammon <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Nov 2013 23:24:39 -0800
text/plain (174 lines)
Hi, I don't know what's cheap from expensive, but the Arc Fault 
breakers I pulled out  I guest cost $25 each whereas the ones I 
put in cost I think $4 each.  They were just plain 15 amp 
breakers.  Like I said, problem is solved.  Jim WA6EKS

 ----- Original Message -----
From: eric oyen <[log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Date sent: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 00:07:45 -0700
Subject: Re: Arc Fault circuit breakers

GFCI's aren't supposed to trip in the presence of RF (normally).  
THis =
usually means one thing: it was cheaply made.  I had a few up in 
the =
apartment while I was staying at the colorado center for the 
blind, and =
none of them reacted to RF at any power level.  These units were 
also UL =
tested.  One thing you might consider is getting an RF choke and 
putting =
the power lines through it.  I had to do that with a GFCI unit 
here at =
the house in arizona.  It was one of those cheap chinese made 
things that =
my room mate (and home owner) likes to get.  Every time I keyed 
up on HF, =
it would go BANG with a loud snap and anything on that circuit 
would =
die.  I pulled it out of the wall and unscrewed the wires, 
inserted them =
through a big teroid choke, remounted the wires and reinstalled 
the =
unit.  It worked without fail after that.  That was also the time 
I =
discovered that the ground lead was floating (I got zapped even 
with the =
breaker off).  I tested some of the other plugs in this house and 
all of =
them see the sam results.

So, with that in mind, I have everything in my room isolated 
(neutral =
and hot only) with a separate ground bus to a 9 foot spike 
outside my =
room.  I use this as my station ground and also electrical 
ground.  it =
keeps equipment failure to a minimum.


On Nov 26, 2013, at 11:20 PM, Colin McDonald wrote:

 wow, that is very interesting.
 I've never had a GFCI pop in the presence of RF, but it's a 
really =
 thing to be aware of.
 I haven't been around AFCI breakers with rf yet.
 I wonder if new automobiles have similar systems and if they are 
prone =
 being tripped by RF...might prove rather interesting if they do 
start =
 similar devices.
 Colin, V A6BKX
 From: "Jim Gammon" <[log in to unmask]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 8:44 PM
 To: <[log in to unmask]
 Subject: Arc Fault circuit breakers
 We moved into our house a little over a year ago.  It took me
 several months before trying my Hf station on a temporary Alpha 
 antenna.  The first day I did, I blew 4 Arc Fault breakers in 
 main panel.  It took me about 4 months to figure it out then a
 few days ago I got this info from a friend from the ARRL.  This
 may also help some of you guys.  The upshot was that I changed
 out 4 arc fault breakers replacing them with regular ones and 
 problems went away.  Here's what the ARRL said about it.  You
 might find this interesting.
 =46rom today's ARRL newsletter
 Your League: ARRL Helps Manufacturer to Resolve Arc Fault
 Circuit Interrupter RFI Problems
 The ARRL Lab has worked with a manufacturer of arc fault circuit
 interrupter (AFCI) breakers to resolve complaints that Amateur
 Radio RF was causing certain breaker models to trip
 unnecessarily.  Like the more common ground fault circuit
 interrupter (GFCI), the AFCI is a safety device.  Primarily
 designed to detect problems that could result in a fire, AFCIs
 detect potentially hazardous arc faults that result from often
 unseen damage or poor connections in wiring and in extension
 cords and cord sets.
 "Several months ago we started receiving reports from amateurs
 that when they transmitted, their AFCI breakers were tripping,"
 said Mike Gruber, W1MG, the ARRL Lab's EMC specialist.  He noted
 that the issue has been a topic of online ham radio discussions
 as well as on homeowner sites; it seems that stray RF is not the
 only thing that can cause a "nuisance trip" of an AFCI.  Gruber
 pointed out that the National Electrical Code (NEC) already
 requires AFCIs in some household circuits, but not all US
 jurisdictions have adopted the requirement.
 W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, with the AFCI test
 stand.  [Mike Gruber, W1MG, photo]
 Gruber said that as AFCIs became more common in new construction
 in the US, reports started coming in that AFCIs in the vicinity 
 not just in the radio amateur's home - would trip in the 
 of RF from an Amateur Radio transmitter.  While each
 manufacturer's design is proprietary, most AFCIs detect arcs by
 monitoring the shape of the alternating current waveform, 
 in current levels, voltage irregularities, and the presence of
 high frequency emissions or "noise." The ARRL Lab dug into the
 "Last summer we built a test fixture in which we could test any
 type of circuit breaker," Gruber said.  It involved using W1AW 
 an RF source.  Gruber said he bought one of "every AFCI that I
 could get my hands on," but when the Lab began testing them
 during W1AW transmissions, none of the devices tripped..
 A ham in New Mexico who had reported AFCI problems sent some of
 his breakers to the ARRL Lab, "and those tripped when we tested
 them," Gruber said.  The problematic breakers were certain 
 made by Eaton Corporation.  "We already had an Eaton breaker, an
 older model, but it did not trip," he noted, adding that the
 breaker had a yellow button.  The newer model, which had a white
 button, did trip in the presence of RF, however, even at power
 levels down to about 50 W on 17 meters.
 Gruber contacted Eaton, and two of the manufacturer's engineers
 visited ARRL Headquarters in August.  "Eaton was extremely
 cooperative and eager to resolve this," Gruber recounted.  "They
 spent the day with us, going over our test methods and took some
 of the problematic breakers back with them, eventually 
 a modified version.
 "We have just finished testing the new version of the breaker,
 and it did not trip during W1AW transmissions and in other
 tests," Gruber reported.  He said the new breaker is still in 
 queue for UL approval.
 Eaton Engineering Director Andy Foerster said arc fault 
 is challenging, in part because so many common household devices
 - such as vacuum cleaners and power tools that use motors with
 brushes - create arcing.  In information provided to ARRL Eaton
 engineer Lanson Relyea said that because AFCIs rely on HF
 emission detection to verify arcing, "any signal that conducts 
 radiates a signal within the detection band of the AFCI can 
 interference and cause the device to trip without the presence 
 a true arcing condition."
 Eaton and ARRL agreed that when the manufacturer comes out with
 any new models of breakers, it will ask the League to test them
 at W1AW.  "It's a win-win situation," Gruber said.  Eaton also
 has agreed to work with anyone having a problem with RF tripping
 its AFCIs.
 Hams experiencing unwanted tripping problems with their or their
 neighbors' AFCIs should first contact the manufacturer.  In the
 case of Eaton breakers, contact Bob Handickgg412-893-3746) or 
 Fello (412-893-3745).  Read more.=20